On Jan 18, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
The deadline for PLIP submissions was yesterday, so as we agreed
no more PLIPs should be accepted at this point.

in that regard, here's the list of PLIPs for which review bundles were submitted:

#126: "Link type should automatically redirect when accessed directly"
  #197: "Add FeedParser as external requirement"
  #234: "Standardizing our use of INavigationRoot"
  #237: "Minor i18n upgrades"
  #238: "Disable inline editing by default"
  #239: "Adapterise the Extensible Indexable Object Wrapper"
  #240: "Improve locking configurability"
  #241: "Clean up auto-sort:  auto-order code"
  #243: "Replace workflow history viewlet with content history viewlet"
  #246: "View for rendering events as an iCalendar file"
  #247: "Automate ZCML Loading for Plone Plug-ins"

technically #237, #238 and #241 were submitted late, but the mails to the fwt only missed the deadline for a few minutes (well except for hanno :)). so i don't think the framework team has an intention to reject them. i certainly haven't.

PLIPs that were not submitted are:

#187: "Working Out-of-the-box WebDAV" — as this PLIP was already submitted for inclusion in Plone 3.1, i suppose it's not quite clear if it should be considered for review now (without another announcement of the bundle's availability to the list). i haven't checked if there have been any updates to the code, or if a review bundle has been created without notification, though. perhaps sidnei can provide us with a quick status update here?

#228: "Restore 'Add Item..' menu on all pages" — as this was only sort of conditionally accepted during the proposal phase, i'd take the fact that no bundle was submitted as an indication that wichert considered this not worth it?

  #232: "Resource Registries Improvements" —

i've included the authors of these PLIPs via cc: hoping they might be able to clarify here. otherwise we'll have to skip reviewing them, which means they can't be considered for inclusion into Plone 3.3 either.

The deadline for the implementation review is two weeks from now:
January 30. Where possible please try to give feedback to the PLIP
implementors as soon as possible instead of waiting for the deadline so
they will have more time to make any required changes.

the first step towards this is to coordinate the reviews. raphael's question re distributing them remained mostly unanswered, but i'll follow up on this in a separate mail...



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