On 25 Dec, Mike Smith wrote:
>> > And we, the FreeBSD Project, don't do a thing to help this situation.
>> > We change the SSH keys on the freebsd.org machines left and right w/o
>> > *ANY* notice to committers that they have been changed.  So we've trained
>> > our own committers to have sloppy habits that could lead a malicious code
>> > added to the FreeBSD CVS source repository.
>> Is this correct?????
> No, in several particulars.  "The FreeBSD Project" doesn't change the SSH
> keys on the FreeBSD.org machines.  Notice is given when they are intention
> ally changed. The FreeBSD Project doesn't "train" committers to have
> sloppy habits.
> David has probably been drinking too much; it's Christmas, after all.  
> There were a couple of incidents some time back when freefall's SSH keys 
> were accidentally overwritten due to failure to follow procedure by 
> individual administrators.  The lengthy discussions which followed these 
> incidents could not possibly have been construed as "training committers 
> to have sloppy habits".
>> Can anyone confirm this.
> No.  But I'm damn sure that you'd have been fleeing Grover's Mill with 
> the rest of the sheep.
>> JKH, DG, CORE respond.
> Jordan is in Europe.  David is unlikely to pay any attention to this sort 
> of noise.  Core does not administer the FreeBSD.org machines, and if you 
> get a response at all, it will probably be "you are talking to the wrong 
> people".
    I apprecitate your response. So, I'm paying particular attention
to details; I don't want to get this wrong. Your statement
says "in several particulars", What does this mean? 

I think you are meaning to say that "Notice is given when they are
intenting all changes", Is this correct?
Please, I'm just trying to get it straight what you are saying.

As for JKH or DG being out, I would imagine more than one
person is away for the holidays. Also, I see your name is
listed on the page listing "core" members, so I appreciate
this effor on your part.  However, this rumor (as
I read it now) sounds fantastic, so I'd like to get
facts, or at least core's POV (Point Of View).

Lastly, you are suggesting that I am talking to the "wrong"
people on this. If I am, who are the "right" people?

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