Chuck Swiger wrote:

Historically, the Python optimizer wasn't capable of doing much, true, but the more recent versions of the optimizer can actually do some peephole optimizations like algorithmic simplification and constant folding:

A quick test with the built-in pystone mini-benchmark (taken out of the standard library so the optimization can be varied) yields [*]:

python without -O : 5802.36
python with -O : 5781.39

In both cases, the commands were:

>>> import pystone
>>> pystone.main(50000)


Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jan 12 2008, 13:07:38)
[GCC 4.2.1 20070719  [FreeBSD]] on freebsd7

I guess they still have to work on the optimizer :)

[*] This is on a AMD Geode CPU (500 MHz), so don't compare it with something normal :)

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