On Fri, 31 Jul 2009 11:41+0200, Trond Endrestøl wrote:

> On Fri, 31 Jul 2009 11:27+0200, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
> > So I guess 6.4 -> 7.2 needs to go via 7.0 ??
> I'd do a binary upgrade to 7.2-R. gcc doesn't understand the 
> -Wpointer-sign flag used when compiling RELENG_7_0_0_RELEASE using 
> 6.4-STABLE as of yesterday. I haven't tried to compile RELENG_7 using 
> the same 6.4-STABLE system, so maybe I'll try that later today.

I was refering to -Wno-pointer-sign, no doubt my memory degrades as I 
grow older.

You/I/We have two options:

1. Run make buildkernel as make -DWITH_GCC3 buildkernel, or

2. Patch src/sys/conf/kern.mk using this patch, which will accomplish 
   the same as above:

--- src/sys/conf/kern.mk.orig   2009-03-07 21:39:42.000000000 +0100
+++ src/sys/conf/kern.mk        2009-07-31 12:35:41.000000000 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
                -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual \
                ${_wundef} ${_Wno_pointer_sign} -fformat-extensions
 .if !defined(WITH_GCC3)
 .if !defined(NO_UNDEF)
 _wundef=       -Wundef

Is the need of using -DWITH_GCC3 documented somewhere?
It's not listed in src/UPDATING as far as I can tell.

I'm currently compiling both kernel and world on the aforementioned 
6.4-STABLE system and it. Compiling the kernel doesn't stop with error 
messages such as:

>>> stage 3.1: making dependencies
cd /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ENTERPRISE; MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/usr/obj  
_SHLIBDIRPREFIX=/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp  VERSION="FreeBSD 6.4-STABLE i386 604100"  
INSTALL="sh /usr/src/tools/install.sh"  
 NO_CTF=1 make KERNEL=kernel depend -DNO_MODULES_OBJ
machine -> /usr/src/sys/i386/include
gcc -c -O -pipe -std=c99 -g -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs 
-Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual 
-Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -fformat-extensions -nostdinc -I. -I/usr/src/sys 
-I/usr/src/sys/contrib/altq -I/usr/src/sys/contrib/ipfilter 
-I/usr/src/sys/contrib/pf -I/usr/src/sys/dev/ath -I/usr/src/sys/dev/ath/ath_hal 
-I/usr/src/sys/contrib/ngatm -I/usr/src/sys/dev/twa 
-I/usr/src/sys/gnu/fs/xfs/FreeBSD -I/usr/src/sys/gnu/fs/xfs/FreeBSD/support 
-I/usr/src/sys/gnu/fs/xfs -I/usr/src/sys/contrib/opensolaris/compat 
-I/usr/src/sys/dev/cxgb -D_KERNEL -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include 
opt_global.h -finline-limit=8000 --param inline-unit-growth=100 --param 
large-function-growth=1000 -mno-align-long-strings -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 
-mno-mmx -mno-3dnow -mno-sse -mno-sse2 -mno-sse3 -ffreestanding 
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-pointer-sign"
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ENTERPRISE.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.

Script done on Fri Jul 31 12:06:03 2009


Trond Endrestøl                  | trond.endres...@fagskolen.gjovik.no
ACM, NAS, NUUG, SAGE, USENIX     |      FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE & Pine 4.64
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