
Willem Jan Withagen wrote on Friday, July 31, 2009 2:07 PM:
> Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
>> Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:
>>> Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
>>>> With a 6.4 of last night....
>>>> So I guess 6.4 -> 7.2 needs to go via 7.0 ??
>>> It is already fixed.
>>> http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/195987
>> cvsupped last night at 1:00 +1
>> So the apha-particle strikes again. ;)
>> I'll update, and rerun.
> We'll I got 1 step further.
> Kernel is build, but refuses to install,


> ===> accf_http (install)
> install -o root -g wheel -m 555   accf_http.ko /boot/kernel
> install -o root -g wheel -m 555   accf_http.ko.symbols /boot/kernel
> kldxref /boot/kernel
> kldxref: file isn't dynamically-linked
> kldxref: file isn't dynamically-linked
> kldxref: file isn't dynamically-linked

Are you sure the kernel does not install? I have recently source-upgraded a 
bunch of systems straight from 6-STABLE to 7-STABLE, constantly observed this 
error, but kernel and modules did install properly, and the machines booted up 
as smoothly as expected. Most of them with gmirror, BTW.

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