On Fri, Oct 06, 2006 at 12:22:09AM +0300, Dmitry Pryanishnikov wrote:
> Hello!
> On Thu, 5 Oct 2006, Karl Denninger wrote:
> >The problem that is nailing me particularly hard right now is the second 
> >one
> >- I have embedded control systems that I speak to over a RS-232 interface
> >(the devices are actually '485 on a common bus but talked to via a 232/485
> >converter) and it simply does not work on 6.x using the Comtrol driver
> >at all.  100ms delays and the like are one thing - we're talking about
> >delays in characters reaching the application of one second or more, and in
>   What makes me wonder is whether delays you're seeing have the same nature
> as recent watchdog timeouts on various Gbit NICs observed by many RELENG_6
> users (interrupt processing scheduling problem I suspect), or they're 
> strictly rp(4)-specific.

It might be.  I am NOT having problems with em0 however, and I DO have it in
the box....

> >With FreeBSD 5.x being EOL'd this is now turning into a critical problem.
> >I can't in good conscience put packages out there that have been EOL'd nor
> >offer meaningful support on them. While 5.4 has been reasonably stable for
> >some time, that is now declared a "dead" release.  5.5 is similarly on that
> >road.  The only right path forward is into the 6.x world, but I can't get
> >there from where I am now unless this problem can be resolved.
>   If I were you, I'd try to prepare easy-repeatable test case so developer
> (or just curious and clever person) who has Comtrol Serial Port Card could
> recreate the problem. And no, I don't have either hardware or time 
> available.

Its easy for me to do that, but so far nobody has picked up the PR.

Karl Denninger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Internet Consultant & Kids Rights Activist
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