<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40536 >

> [chrisk - Wed Oct 29 07:29:07 2008]:
> Madeline Book wrote on Oct 28, 17:45 (-0800):
> > Good stuff. There remains only one weird thing that I
> > could find: now when a figher or bomber is made to
> > attack an enemy city or unit via goto, it first tries
> > to go to a closer "safe" tile and only then make the
> > attack approach. For example, this can be seen when a
> > fighter or bomber in city A tries to attack Radovljica,
> > which results in the unit running out of fuel and dying. :/
> FWIW, you see a similar thing with land unit goto: a unit next to an enemy
> unit doesn't necessarily attack it, but makes a move before using
rivers or
> roads sometimes. Too silly.
> Christian

It is the classic behaviour or with using this patch?

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