<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40536 >

> [pepeto - Wed Nov 05 17:14:11 2008]:
> I hope this version should work very better.

This version is the best so far. I did find one strange
thing though: take for example a fighter from Arnsberg
and make a goto attack on Kranj. The path finding code
correctly recognizes that it can attack that city and
be able to come back to Novo Mesto, but the route it
calculates is wrong (fighter ends up running out of
fuel). It is almost as if it assumes the attack will
make the fighter go through the city. Maybe this can
be easily fixed by making the path finding code know
when an attack will result in the unit occupying the
the tile and when not? Of course most of the time an
attack will not cause the unit to occupy the defender's
tile, especially for air units.


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