<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40536 >

> [pepeto - Tue Nov 11 13:20:18 2008]:
> I changed completely my initial mind to fix the last strange
> behaviour I observed. I rewrote the nearly-whole path_finding.c
> file.

Ah, the worst case scenario I was afraid of... but seems you
managed it without too much trouble. :)

I found one strange behaviour while testing: if a fighter
is at a refuelling point and has one move left, doing a
goto with it will make it move this turn instead of waiting.
Hopefully that won't be too hard to fix.

> I made this patch for trunk only. I think it's too important
> changes for 2.1.

I agree. At least this way it will be a nice "new" feature for
2.2 when it is released. ;)


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