Am Thursday 02 July 2009 01:19:19 schrieben Sie:
> On 01/07/2009, Matthias Pfafferodt <> wrote:
> > You don't need to. As I said the 3 GB size is not a problem. I think I
> > will also get warclient and longturn to compare ...
> The 3 GB is just silly. The entire history of the trunk and S2_1
> branches when cloned from freeciv-svn-mirror are only 269M.

Perhaps I should simple delete the directory './tags' as git does not use it? 
This way I'm down to 700MB ...

I did a second checkout (using 'git svn clone svn://...) and did get similar 
numbers. First the './.git' directory is downloaded and after that all tags / 
branches as well as trunk are checked out.


matth...@mattsys:/home/matthias/git> du -h --max-depth=2
2.5G    ./freeciv.git/tags
251M    ./freeciv.git/branches
242M    ./freeciv.git/trunk
208M    ./freeciv.git/.git
3.2G    ./freeciv.git
3.2G    .

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> どうしてあんまり太っている。

Matthias Pfafferodt -
Matthias.Pfafferodt <at>

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