On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 21:40:57 -0500
Caleb Williams <cale...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've tried modifying the following...

Sorry, but I am confused by what you have written here.  Has *anything*

Also, looking at the code again, we should check the value of
model.option.rememberPanelSizes? If false, the EuropePanel.w setting in the
options file will be ignored.

> What was interesting to me is that the model.option.playerName value
> persists

Playername is special, it defaults to the java "user.name" property.
AFAICT no other option behaves like it, so it will only serve to confuse
the issue here.

> Any new tips?

Put a bunch of trace writes into FreeColClient.loadClientOptions to see
when/if EuropePanel.w is loaded/set.

Mike Pope

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