On Tue, 3 Nov 2015 01:17:52 +0100
win...@genial.ms wrote:
> some time ago we already talked about rescuing some of the
> source art files from SVN.
> I did go though the files now and they are large...
> I also happened to see some old discussion on debian games mailing
> list about what should be required in terms of source for art files,
> which made me think about licensing requirements and if some of this
> stuff would actually needed to be included in the source packages?

I am not sure artwork is in the same category as source code.  Do the FSF
say anything about this?
> I think source art is as important to preserve as source code and
> its also nice to have lossless files, not just ogg or jpg or down-
> sized png. Some files provide higher resolution images I plan on
> using, though that needs some changes to the resource loading and
> key files to allow more than one size to be loaded, which can get
> weird if a mod overwrites something.
> Though it worries me that it might triple the size of the git repo.
> What do you think?

I would prefer not to grow the repo that much (indeed, I was hoping to
evict the website directory in due course).  Perhaps we should start a
freecol-artwork project.

Mike Pope

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