On Sun, 8 Nov 2015 23:52:38 +0100
win...@genial.ms wrote:
> While doing that I found and deleted some useless example images from the CMS.
> I also noticed that the docs folder is outdated in git; its older than on the 
> website
> and probably unnecessary as it can be regenerated from the .tex files.
> It would be nice if the developer.pdf and html could be added to the website.
> Btw. there are many parts with weird outdated bugtracker/featuretracker 
> embedding
> and/or rss, some parts look like ad-scripting. I'd guess these could be 
> removed,
> unless your want to fix them?

I have no plans to work on the web site ATM.  Indeed all I can do ATM is
clear out my patch queue, as work is intruding heavily into my FreeCol
hacking time.

> I found there is an image for kings regular in scout role, but there is no 
> resource key.
> There are also no resource keys for other roles of the kings regular.
> Is it 100% sure these can never be displayed? If for example one looses his 
> weapons,
> then finds some available horses it could result in a scout or not?

Kings Regulars die when they lose all equipment, and they lose horses
first, so they can not become scouts.  However, one can imagine a rule
change to make it possible.  I recommend restoring the resource key but
with a comment that it is purely for completeness for now.

> I found some scripts for making tiles, but did not investigate if they might 
> work for
> creating double sized rivers/forests/beaches/tile border transitions, which 
> would
> be nice to have.

I think that was an experiment Michael was working on.  I was dubious
about it at the time as the maps rarely contain places where there
are four adjoining land tiles of the same type.

>[More image questions]

Sorry, no idea on any of these.

> Currently I just added higher res images which can be seen when zooming in 
> the map.
> Theoretically there are other images useful for people using --gui-scale 
> option, but
> I'm not sure if its useful enough to add these without suppressing loading of 
> these
> without the option (which would complicate the resource management)?

Your call there.  You know the tradeoffs in the resource management system

Mike Pope

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