On Sun, 12 Dec 2021 21:35:42 +0100 (CET)
Stefan Fellner <stefan.fell...@tutanota.com> wrote:
> I have been working on TradeRouteInputPanel the last week and I got it 
> running now.

Will have a look soon.  Out of time today.
> I changed the layout so that you can now define which goods you want to load 
> and or unload at a particular stop. Also the Drag handling should work fine 
> now (you can drag the goodsTypes from the "AllGoodsPanel" to either the 
> import or export (load/unload) panel. Removing a goods is also possible with 
> right-clicking on the goodstype.

The whole Drag/Drop system in FreeCol is rather weird.  Java now has a
preferred way to do drag/drop which we are only vaguely compatible

> Plus, as you currently are discussing modality, I added a simple solution for 
> disabling the Actions (like Stian was suggesting), while defining an 
> FreeColPanel as "modal" (= quasi modal, actions are disabled while it 
> displays).

Yep, there is functionality there in the ActionManager if you want it.  My
policy has been to minimize modality, so I rarely do.

> Also I fixed at least one bug in the TradeRoute code, when a unit was 
> following a trade route which includes Europa as stop (the trade route was 
> interrupted, cause is a missing "else" in the InGameController). (The missing 
> else was causing the TradeRoute to be interrupted and the vessel stays in 
> Europe).

Excellent!  I think there is a BR that reports this.

> BTW would be great to have a kind of review tool / process in place where we 
> could comment the changes (like when using pull requests / merge requests 
> with a tool, but can also be done with patches).
Well, you can create a PR on the github mirror if you prefer that to just
attaching a patch.
> And I would really like it if we could maybe schedule a Skype, or Microsoft 
> Teams Meeting (or what else you prefer!) where all active and or interrested 
> devs would meet and discuss the next steps, progress, ...?
> I know already that the current team is spread all across the globe :P
> However this would be very helpful. We need to figure out a good timeslot 
> where it's not maybe 3 A.M. at anyone's time zone :P
> If you are interested, tell me what time zones are to be considered?

Not too keen on *more* meetings.  Do you have a lot of questions?  If
there is one thing I insist on with FreeCol development, it is that we
should be having fun.  Meetings != fun.

> I am in GMT +1 (Vienna).

ACDT == GMT + 1030.  Its a long time since I was in Vienna but we had a
great time there, and Austria generally.  Gday from Australia, that country
you get confused with:-).

> And because I am Austrian guy, my mother tongue is german, I could also walk 
> through the german translations, wording ... 
> Please tell me if this is a possible task! (probably not prio one).

Sign up at translatewiki and see what you can see.  I suspect the DE
translation is pretty good though.  But maybe it is too north-German?

> And what next task is on the line? If nothing special / pressing comes to 
> your mind I will next try to go through my quick noted issue lists / and or 
> BR on the sourceforge BR queue.

That would be my suggestion.  There is a lot to choose from on the SF BR

Mike Pope

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