It seems that FreeDOS project is in another crisis now. There is nobody who 
develops kernel (compatibility with MS-DOS is still not perfect), we still lack 
some disk utilities for FAT32 and so on.
There is too small number of active FreeDOS developers. But there is also group 
around another DOS clone - (E)DR-DOS. They are concentrated around and
Why nobody from FreeDOS team goes there? I know that most people from EDR-DOS 
group are watching news about FreeDOS but why it doesn't work in opposite way?
For example: recently made a small "revolution" fact that console player 
MPlayer can be runned from DOS (using HX-DOS extender). So we now have two 
usable video players. Or you think it isn't important? Or at least interresting?
It is a sad fact that due rough contributions on mailling lists some developers 
left FreeDOS. Why don't to try "hire" some new fresh people on EDR-DOS?
BTW: EDR-DOS is dependent to FreeDOS because EDR-DOS is only kernel, not other 
DOS utilities.
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