> On May 4, 2021, at 3:41 AM, Carsten Strotmann <cars...@strotmann.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 3 May 2021, at 22:29, Eric Auer wrote:
>> RAREAD - doubts about use
>> RAWRITE - doubts about use
>> UNRTF - doubts about use
>> XFDISK - doubts about use
>> SQLITE - doubts about use
> I find the packages above very useful and they should be part of the distro, 
> if possible.

When you say “part of the distro,” what are you suggesting?

To clarify...

Stuck on the BonusCD so users don’t need to find and download it separately?
Provided on the install media, but require manual installation?
Always made instantly available to the Live Environment of the LiveCD?
Always installed with a FULL install?
Always installed with any Install?

> Greetings
> Carsten

I also suggest doing the FreeDOS Release Media survey at 
https://fd.lod.bz/survey/ <https://fd.lod.bz/survey/>
Result from that are used to help determine all of the questions I mentioned.



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