Hallo Herr Jerome Shidel,

am Sonntag, 18. Juli 2021 um 21:30 schrieben Sie:

> Hi, 

> Couple quick questions…

> Is this a “(hopefully) ready-to-ship" version? Or, an intermediary
> “ready-to-test (more changes/fixes coming)” version?

> I’ve never examined the code.  But, based on your email… All
> someone needs to do to make a version of FreeCOM for another
> language is “copy /b command.cln + strings.lng command.com” for
> their language. That implies that all of the translation text is
> just tacked onto the end. If so, it should be relatively easy to not
> require splicing the language file onto the end. But, instead to
> dynamically load it when the shell initializes using a new command
> line option. Something the config.sys file would end up with something like:

> shell=c:\fdos\bin\command.com c:\fdos\bin /e:2048 /p=c:\fdauto.bat /nls:de

> Then when it starts, it could just load a command.de (or maybe
> freecom.de) file from the c:\fdos\bin directory into that same memory 
> location.

> Or possibly, include it as a full file/pathname. Then this
> translations could live in the NLS directory along with the others. Like,

> shell=c:\freedos\bin\command.com c:\freedos\bin /e:1024
> /p=c:\autoexec.bat /nls:c:\freedos\nls\command.es

> You could even “bake-in” the default English translations and just
> over-write it if the user specifies a different language. 

> I don’t foresee doing that as being very difficult and there would be 
> numerous benefits.

your approach has has a deep disadvantage for programs like
Norton/Volkow/Midnight Commander, make utilities, etc. that shell out
to a new instance of command.com.

they will start a new instance of %COMSPEC% with IMO no way of giving
it any arguments, so you would run the english version instead of the
localized one.

I also see no 'numerous benefits'. a user that selects the dutch
localized version is unlikely to change this dynamically to russian.

no problem though to have this as *option*.


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