Hi Jerome,

>> On Jul 19, 2021, at 2:49 AM, tom ehlert <t...@drivesnapshot.de> wrote:
>> [..]
>> your approach has has a deep disadvantage for programs like
>> Norton/Volkow/Midnight Commander, make utilities, etc. that shell out
>> to a new instance of command.com.
>> they will start a new instance of %COMSPEC% with IMO no way of giving
>> it any arguments, so you would run the english version instead of the
>> localized one.
>> I also see no 'numerous benefits'. a user that selects the dutch
>> localized version is unlikely to change this dynamically to russian.
>> no problem though to have this as *option*.
>> Tom

> I apologize for not mentioning several points that should go along with
> the approach I suggest. I didn’t feel it was necessary to go into the minor
> details. To hopefully alleviate you concerns, I add a few things…

> First assuming there are translations available in a users preferred language,
> those versions are the message they should see. Regardless of how 
> programs like EDIT, DOSSHELL and others invoke a sub shell.

> I have not studied the FreeCOM code.
no need to study the source.
just disable HIMEM (to make the effect more dramatic), start a new
instance, and watch MEM

> But, I assume it is smart enough to
> not keep multiple instances of itself in memory.
it is not. all instances are completely independent.

> Also, SYS should probably updated to also copy at least the copy the 
> current translation along with the system files.
we physicists call this 'error propagation' ;)

you just forgot FORMAT /S

and maybe COPY/XCOPY/Volcow Commander should note that you want to
copy COMMAND.COM (or FORMAT.EXE, SYS.EXE,  ...) and copy also
%LANG%uage files. maybe also .HLP files etc.

DOS was never intended this way.

IMO the invention of multilanguage FreeDOS using dependent multiple
subdirectories was and is a bad idea.


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