Hi Jerome,

of course you can say you prefer a command.com which
can load translations on the fly. On the other hand,
you know that the installer could do whatever it takes
to put a command.com in the desired language on the
fixed disk of the user :-) Actually my 3 floppy Brezel
distro already was large enough to include ingredients
for translated command.com, but given that it did not
have any installer, it only had a readme for the magic
"copy stub + languagefile command.com" step, which is
not THAT hard to do, but of course nicer if it is done
by the installer after asking for the user language and
preferred keyboard layout (!) which then creates some
custom default config, with comments explaining which
things users can change manually at a later moment.

> Who is up for 7 different release media in 13 different languages?

Not needed, just let the INSTALLER dynamically mix and match.

> Or, the installer could spend extra time and create all of those special 
> skews 
> during the install process. But, that still leaves the user or or less stuck 
> with
> the language that gets installed. They would probably need to reinstall the 
> OS if they wanted to change languages.

You even had to buy a new copy if you wanted to stop using
German MS DOS and switch to French MS DOS. Nobody cared.

But if you want to be nice, install a TOOL which helps the
user to install new command.com languages but pre-installing
all ingredients and a little batch script, no big magic.

> Or, you can copy the program stub and the languages and a combined version
> to the drive during install. But, having multiple copies of each version seems
> rather wasteful.

Only very few apps are affected by this. For command.com,
it is good to have everything in one file. For cutemouse,
you would not want a TSR to have to load extra files either.

For most apps, it is okay to load extra files, but even in
those cases, it is important that they can work in English
when somebody happens to have copied only the main binary,
or translated messages are inaccessible for other reasons.

I think if you want 10 languages of command.com on a single
floppy, it will not make much difference whether you have
pre-compiled binaries or separate message files. Actually
combining ingredient files on the fly is quite efficient
and you can use compression :-)

Note that even LC_MESSAGES .mo files in Linux are binary,
you cannot simply write them in a text editor, but need
special tools to "compile" them before you can use them
to change languages on the fly.

Do users really want to switch languages at any moment?
I think not. Being able to switch by loading a new copy
of the shell, at boot or later, is more than MS DOS did.

Do users really lack the skills to create command.com in
their preferred language or languages? If they cannot run
a single COPY command after reading a readme, we can come
to the rescue by letting the installer take care of this,
or provide a tool to add language specific binaries later.

If I was able to support multilingual command.com on a three
floppy distro with all of BASE, you can do it on a CD ISO.

I had pre-created English and German command.com on one of
the disks and zips with ingredients for 10 more languages.

It came with a batch script (0.9 kB) which did all of the
work after the user had to edit only one word in the bat:
The name of the language, for which "fixstrs" got called.
Most of the 0.9 kB were comments explaining what happened.


PS: Running fixstrs instead of offering pre-fixed files
was more elegant, I think. So the entire process became:

fixstrs spanish
if exist strings.log type strings.log
if not exist strings.dat goto failed
copy /b xmsswap.cln + strings.dat command.com

This uses default.lng, spanish.lng, xmsswap.cln, fixstrs.

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