Hallo Herr Jerome Shidel,

am Montag, 19. Juli 2021 um 14:33 schrieben Sie:

> Hi Tom,

>> On Jul 19, 2021, at 7:22 AM, tom ehlert <t...@drivesnapshot.de> wrote:
>> [..]
>> DOS was never intended this way.

> I’m not sure what that has to do with it.

> DOS wasn’t intended to have Megabytes of RAM, Gigabytes of disk space,
> CD ROM drives, a Mouse or even subdirectories. The list of things DOS was
> not originally intended to do is enormous. 

>> IMO the invention of multilanguage FreeDOS using dependent multiple
>> subdirectories was and is a bad idea.

> I can agree that the current NLS system is far from perfect. I can think of 
> several
> ways it could be better than it is at present. But, it is what we have and 
> changing
> would probably be more effort than it is worth.

> Out of curiosity, what would your perfect solution to multi-language support 
> entail?
> Everyone live with English, compile your own or something else entirely?

similar to what original MSDOS did: have a language specific
distribution for everything.

this could be done the way COMMAND does this: somhow combine (actually
append) the translated stuff to the .exe and have kitten figure this

this could be either

   attach all translated stuff to the program, select language at
   runtime, using %LANG%

or attach only one selected translated stuff for the default language.

in either case copying the program also copies the relevant resources.


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