Hi guys,

shell=c:\freedos\bin\command.com c:\freedos\bin /e:1024
/p=c:\autoexec.bat /nls:c:\freedos\nls\command.es

your approach has has a deep disadvantage for programs like
Norton/Volkow/Midnight Commander, make utilities, etc. that shell out
to a new instance of command.com.

they will start a new instance of %COMSPEC% with IMO no way of giving
it any arguments, so you would run the english version instead of the
localized one.

I always thought that these settings, unless overriden from the command line that launches COMMAND.COM, are inherited from the parent COMMAND.COM or the root (that is, SHELL= in CONFIG.SYS). Apparently, that's not true. But then all other settings go back to the default, too; e.g. the environment size, although that's not as obvious as the language of DOS messages.


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