On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 16:54:12 -0500
Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >   DOSEmu / DOSEmu2  
> Is this available in any repos? I'm very naive. Didn't the original
> used to be in "multiverse"? I'm not sure it's there anymore.

Dosemu 1.4 was dropped from Ubuntu just before 20.04 release, presumably that's 
when it was removed from multiverse.

> I still haven't tried DOSEMU2 yet, but it uses its own modified FDPP
> (DOS) kernel, right?

It has its own DOS(FDPP) based on FreeDos, but it's not compulsory. It does CI 
testing on FreeDOS 1.2 / DR-DOS 7.01 / MS-DOS 6.22 and its own FDPP so 
compatibility with those should be ensured.

> It has a PPA or whatever, not sure.

  PPA is here https://launchpad.net/~dosemu2/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
  RPMs for Fedora are here https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/stsp/dosemu2/
  RPMs for SUSE are here 
> (This does supposedly support VT-X now.

It does. 

> They used to support other methods, but
> I'm not sure if that's still supported.

CPU emulation is supported and is the primary platform for CI tests, however 
VM86 (32bit hosts only) is rarely tested.

> Also, they might be 64-bit host only, not sure.)

64 bit is the preferred platform, 32 bit should still work but no CI platforms 
are available to test.

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