
On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 3:38 PM Michael Christopher Robinson
<mich...@robinson-west.com> wrote:
> Before Windows 2000, even in Windows 95, FAT32 was introduced with
> supported for longer filenames than the 8.3 limit of Dos 6.22.

FAT32 debuted in something like Win95 OSR2 or whatever. I'm no expert,
but Win95 had LFNs since the beginning, albeit only under GUI mode,
not native raw DOS mode. (Someone said Win NT 3.1, okay, but it wasn't
until Win2000 that LFNs for DOS APIs (a la Win95!) were supported.
Actually, I think FAT32 support didn't come to NT until Win2000
either. But XP was the first consumer / home user NT edition.) DJGPP
2.00 in 1996 supported Win95-era LFNs by default (with fallbacks for
SFNs, too).

Some other DOSes had some LFN support, too. Not sure of DR-DOS since
my copy of 7.03 never had it, but I always read about people
mentioning DRLFN or whatever their driver was called. (Although that
never supported FAT32.) I halfway guess that they pulled it for patent
reasons. (Thankfully, those patents finally expired in 2017, ugh.
Somewhat ridiculous, but whatever.) Datalight ROM DOS is still sold
online, and their version 7 has native LFN support, allegedly.

> I am wondering how to preserve the long filenames of some of the files
> in the Windows 2000 installation when I'm in Freedos via boot floppy.

DOSLFN works mostly well, but I try not to rely on it too much. To me,
SFNs aren't that big of a burden, so I can workaround it.

> Wondering if there is a file manager that I can add to the boot disk
> that will preserve and display long filenames properly?  I also
> understand that I need a new enough version of doslfn, it's part of
> freedos 1.2.  Apparently, the currently distributed version is too
> old...

FreeDOS "packages" don't have lots of maintainers. Most DOS software,
even elsewhere in FreeDOS, doesn't either. Some of it is redundant, so
it's double the effort trying to keep things in sync sometimes. Just
use DOSLFN 0.41c from 2012 (mentioned in previous e-mail), and don't
worry. Maybe I'll update the package one of these days (but there's
too much to do elsewhere). There are other alternatives, but I
recommend only DOSLFN (at the moment). Most DOS software should not
forcibly require LFNs at all.

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