On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 05:04:10PM +0200, Eric Auer wrote:

> Any memory allocated BEFORE DOS starts will be shown as
> "there is less than 640k of memory". For example extra
> data used by BIOS extensions, a bootable MEMDISK, some
> tools which load before DOS to provide LBA support on
> computers with too old BIOS, certain viruses etc.
> If you want more UMB, just use EMM386 with the NOEMS
> option to disable the 64k EMS 3.x page frame :-) You
> will still be able to use EMS version 4 nevertheless.

So I need to examine that part with debug.

> DISPLAY needs more memory while loading than when
> resident, so you could load it earlier when still
> more UMB space is free.
> >  
> > https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/1452/only-drive-a-detected-with-two-floppy-disk-drives
> It says controllers after 2003 tend to no longer support
> more than one drive at the same time. From when is yours?
> The computer mentioned on stackexchange is circa 2009.

>From what I see on the page 
the earliest BIOS update is from 2003/7/21, so around that "dangerous
landmark", unfortunately

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