On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Fernando Teodoro wrote:
> I'm using MySQL auth/accouting.with FreeRADIUS. The last question remaining
> is: is there a way to use DEFAULT user configuration (which can always log
> in)?

I don't know if it's possible to add a DEFAULT user in sql. Someone else
will have to enlighten that issue.

> Is there a way to do the same with FreeRADIUS? Maybe using the old "users"
> file with a DEFAULT user? In this case, I will need to use "Fall-Through" in
> sql, but I can't imagine how (or where) add this attribute.

Now *that* you can do. Sort of... You'd need to use both the files and sql
module in radius.conf. Instead of using Fall-Through, you'd use the
configurable failover functionality of FreeRADIUS. See
'doc/configurable_failover' for information.

That's what I'm doing, anyway. There may be alternatives of which I am


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