Ok, Chris, it cleaned up my preliminary questions. I'll start from the table
templates for FreeRADIUS, and not try to "patch" that ones I was using with
IC (yes, I know when 'time to RTFM' comes). Since que PAP question is
understood, obviously the other error are related to my adapted SQL tables.

Two migration questions:
1. with FreeRADIUS, I can have attribute/values pairs set for "groups"? So I
only need to define attributes for a group in one table, associate users
with groups in another table, and freeradius applies check and reply rules
to the entire group?

2. in case of  'yes' answer to the previous question, can I build a group
'filtered', apply some NAS filter and let any user that isn't in the 'users'
(radcheck?) table logs in, with an "Auth-Type =  Access"?

I work at an ISP and its my main priorities, since a user (non-customer)
which dials in but have not account MUST log in with restricted access
(according with NAS filter), and daily-time-limit, fuction which doesn't
exist in ic-radius, what makes me to migrate to a more functional Radius
server. The group/filter was working fine with ic-radius, and since
FreeRadius has much more features, am I right in guessing I will get my
needed features running with FreeRadius?

Thanks, really, a lot.

-- Fernando

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