On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Fernando Teodoro wrote:

> Last question (the previous errors I've posted in the list was solved):
> I'm using MySQL auth/accouting.with FreeRADIUS. The last question remaining
> is: is there a way to use DEFAULT user configuration (which can always log
> in)?
> With ic-radius, this can be accomplished creating a group "GUEST" in
> radgroup table, then setting a/v values in radgroupreply table, adding a
> field "Auth-Type = Accept" for group GUEST in the same table.
> Is there a way to do the same with FreeRADIUS? Maybe using the old "users"
> file with a DEFAULT user? In this case, I will need to use "Fall-Through" in
> sql, but I can't imagine how (or where) add this attribute.
> I'll very helpfull for any tips about 'add an default user with a/v
> auth-type=accept'.

Check out the default_user_profile directive in sql.conf. This feature has been
added in the latest versions of the sql module. The comments in sql.conf should
also be very helpfull.

> Thanks in advance,
> -- Fernando.
> -
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Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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