-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: Freeradius GUI admin headaches

--- Darin Holloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>First things first, can you get apache to serve any pages?  Does php work
>enough to display <?echo phpinfo();?>?

Yes, I can see the dialup_admin home page and the buttons on the LH side.
I've tried it using sessions and without, and with register_globals set to
"on" and to "off".  Dialup_admin uses an array called $config to store
user-entered parameters from a configuration file.  I don't know much about
PHP, it's almost as if this code is not working properly.  I understand
people are actually using dialup_admin, although I haven't personally found
anybody who is.

Michael Flora

Michael Flora wrote:
> I've been struggling for days trying to get a Freeradius admin tool to
work.  I just upgraded to Red Hat 8.0 on a Shuttle (granted, not the best
machine to use as a server).  I've tried to use dialup_admin but just can't
get it to work.  I always get a rash of errors of the general type "unknown
constant general_blah_blah, assumed 'general_blah_blah'", also undefined
variable show, login, etc.
> Has anybody got dialup_admin to work on a Red Hat box?
> I downloaded and installed freeside, but I'd prefer to use MySQL and
freeside doesn't like MySQL because of its lack of subqueries.  Has anybody
used freeside?  How good is it?
> Right now I'm struggling with a system crash.  My XF86Config file is
corrupted and I'm unable to login.  Could freeside have done this?
> Regards,
> Michael Flora
> P.S. thanks to everybody who replied to my previous posts.  I haven't had
time to reply individually.
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I feel your pain, I had many similar errors when I first tried dialupadmin.
I set up freeradius 0.9.3 on a fedora1 box with mysql and freeradius would
authenticate fine against mysql and my web server (on the same box) seemed
to process php pages just fine but I couldn't get dialupadmin to work. What
torqued me was I could load dialupadmin on a different box (windows with
apache2 and php) and point it at the freeradius box and it worked. I wanted
it all on the same box though.  My solution turned out to be fixing php so
it would talk to mysql. The versions I had all seemed to work fine
separately, but wouldn't all work together. It took me about 3 weeks on and
off to get dialupadmin working correctly but it does and the code is not
broke. Check your configs,  find out for sure that your webserver-php setup
will talk to your mysql. I can't outline a step-by-step debugging procedure,
but my final finding was php needed older mysql client libraries , so I
removed mysql 4.x and replaced it with mysql 3.x to make it all work
Now that I've spent alot of time with this software, I could probably make
it all work with the latest versions of stuff but I got other fish to fry...
This post may not help you fix it, but is meant to encourage you and assure
you that the dialupadmin code does, in fact, work.


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