OK, then the requirement that the RADIUS server be installed on the same machine as the dialup_admin server. How else does the NAS check happen? Or the wtmp analysis happen? This is a don't care for me, as it works (almost) perfectly for what I need it to do!

Regarding my additional functionality requirement, I need a report that shows the number of unique users who had sessions during the month. So if I had 347 individual accounts (User-Name attribute) access the system for the input time period, the system would report 347. This is independent of/in addition to the count of sessions, time or MB downloaded.

Kostas Kalevras wrote:
On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, Robert Haskins wrote:

I have had dialup_admin working for about a month now. It does take a
little bit of configuring. And, it makes some assumptions (like that
your RADIUS server is running on the same machine as dialup_admin), but

general_radius_server: localhost
general_radius_server_port: 1812

Assumptions, but configurable ones

it does indeed work and work well. I only use it for tracking RADIUS
accounting usage, and have commented out the direct RADIUS manipulation
stuff (user management, NAS checking, etc.).

The only thing I see it is missing is the ability to query unique logins
per month, for checking my wholesale provider bill against what I
actually had login. I plan on making this change, I just haven't had a
chance to work on it yet.

Can you elaborate a bit, it's not very clear what you want to do?

Kerry Penland wrote:

I understand
people are actually using dialup_admin, although I haven't personally found
anybody who is.

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Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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