Nick Bright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using mysql for authorization, and have made everything work
> wonderfully with plain text passwords. I'd like to find out, though,
> what password types are supported for the mysql authorization system.

  None.  :)  The MySQL module doesn't look at, or use passwords.

  Instead, it pulls RADIUS attributes out of the database, and adds
them to the request.

> What I'd really like to know is what password types are supported
> through this mechanism? Is there a list somewhere?

  In the latest CVS snapshots, see "man rlm_pap", which lists the
password types it supports.

> If I could simply put the users in with "md5-Password" and slap in their
> md5'd password, that'd make my life really easy :)

  In the CVS head, that should work.

  Alan DeKok.

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