
I'm putting together a web page describing the steps taken to get
cortical thickness from an ROI defined by a volume mask.  Can you send
me these two files so that I can make sure the steps work correctly?

1) the ROI mask file (what you are calling 'abc.nii')
2) the T1-weighted anatomical volume of the subject from which abc.nii
was created.  i need this file to register to a template volume.

You can post those files (available only to me) by uploading to our file



On Sat, 2008-11-15 at 00:48 -0500, Zhang, Xiaochu (NIH/NIDA) [F] wrote:
> Hi, FreeSurfer export,
> Thank you very much for response!
> Now, under some export's help, I used to the mri_surf2vol to transfer cortex 
> thickness into nifti.
> The below line is what I used.
> mri_surf2vol --surfval ../surf/lh.thickness --hemi lh --fillribbon --template 
> orig.mgz --volregidentity ${subid} --outvol lh.ribbon.nii
> I checked the result and found the voxel outside the gray matter is always 
> zero and in the gray matter is about 0-3. Could you please do me a favor and 
> tell me whether these data is cortex thickness or not?
> If they are cortex thickness, why are they always different. In my mind, it 
> should be same in one direction because we calculate the distance between the 
> white matter line and the gray matter line.
> Thanks a lot!
> All the best,
> Xiaochu
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