Hi Michael,

while fslmaths has an option to do "2D" smoothing, this is still only 
smoothing in a slice of the volume and has the same problems as 3D 
smoothing (ie, smoothing across tissue types and sulci). The "2D" that 
FS implements with mris_volsmooth is along the cortical surface, which 
is unrelated to the volume axes. So, unfortunately, you do still have to 
do two analyses if you want a volume-based analysis with smoothing.


Michael Scheel wrote:
> Hi Estephan,
> you don't necessarily have to rerun the full 1st level Analysis in total.
> What you have to find out is which of your volumes is the one that 
> example_func is created from.
> Normally this should be the middle timepoint fmri image of your 
> functional run (e.g. if you have 99 volumes then number 45
> will be taken as example_func) that's the default if you haven't 
> specified it otherwise.
> You can use fslroi as a command to extract this volume for the above 
> example e.g.:
> fslroi input_fmri.nii.gz middle_volume.nii.gz 44 1
> (fslroi starts counting from 0 thats why it is 44 instead of 45)
> 2D and 3D smoothing can also be done with
> fslmaths see the -s and the -kernel option
> Best, Michael
> On 23-Sep-09, at 6:52 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>> Estephan Moana wrote:
>>> So what I need to do is to run the 1st level FEAT as usual for the FSL
>>> pipeline, and repeat this analysis for FS with the only difference
>>> been to set the "Spatial smoothing FWHM" to zero on the pre-stats tab
>>> of the FEAT GUI?
>> yes
>>> Also, can you explain if this smoothing on the FEAT GUI is the 3D you
>>> refer to? And how 2D smoothing is accomplished?
>> Yes, this the 3D smoothing. 2D smoothing on the raw data is more
>> difficult inside of feat. You'd have to use MC and then run
>> mris_volsmooth (FS program) outside of FEAT, then pass FEAT the
>> preprocessed data and tell it not to do MC or smoothing.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Estephan
>>> Douglas N Greve wrote:
>>>> The example_func does not actually get smoothed, so smoothing itself
>>>> will not affect the registration. 3D smoothing will smooth values
>>>> from WM and CSF into gray and from across sulci into functionally
>>>> distinct regions. For this reason we recommend not using 3D smoothing
>>>> (or doing 2D smoothing on the surface). Unfortunately, this requires
>>>> two different analyses.
>>>> doug
>>>> Estephan Moana wrote:
>>>>> Hello all, I took the FS course last June at the OHBM in San
>>>>> Francisco, and am now playing with it to get to know it better. One
>>>>> of the slides on the talk about FSL-FS integration mentioned that
>>>>> the input data (from FEAT) for the reg-feat2anat command should have
>>>>> not been smoothed prior to registering to FS.
>>>>> Considering that FEAT 1st level analysis has a default of 5mm
>>>>> spatial smoothing (and that's what I used on my data), it seems
>>>>> counterintuitive to need to run a 1st level analysis again so the
>>>>> output files are not spatially smoothed.
>>>>> So my questions are: 1) having the example_func file spatially
>>>>> smoothed will necessarily hinder a proper registration to the FS
>>>>> anatomical?; 2) if so, should I re-run all my FEAT 1st level
>>>>> analysis without smoothing or is there any other way?
>>>>> I know this is quite a beginners question, but I could not find the
>>>>> answers on the FS FAQ or the mailing list archives. I appreciate any
>>>>> light on this.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Estephan Moana, DDS
>>>>> Graduate Student
>>>>> Oral Biology PhD Program - Neurobiology track
>>>>> School of Dentistry, UNC- Chapel Hill
>>>>> 2140 Old Dental Building, CB# 7455
>>>>> Chapel Hill, NC 27599
>>>>> Phone: (919) 966-5680  Fax: (919) 966-5339  Cell: (612) 702-3295
>>>>> mo...@email.unc.edu <mailto:mo...@email.unc.edu>
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
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>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

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