When I used preproc-sess processing my data, the registration output is off a 
great of deal.  The functional data was collected using 7T, and the surface was 
reconstructed successfully from 3T data and was checked visually multiple 
times.   I am using fs5.3 installed on a linux system.   Attached is the 
registration log file.  
Any suggestions will be appreciated.  
Xiaomin Yue                                       
Logfile for bbregister
Thu Oct 16 10:54:36 EDT 2014

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /misc/data41/yuex/human_anat
cd /misc/data41/yuex/humanfMRI/human_curvature/subjdata/field090514
/opt/freesurfer-530/bin/bbregister --s field --init-fsl --6 --bold --mov 
bold/template.nii --reg bold/register.dof6.dat --init-reg-out 

$Id: bbregister,v 2013/03/25 18:04:53 greve Exp $
Linux konis 2.6.32-431.20.5.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jul 25 08:34:44 UTC 2014 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
FREESURFER_HOME /opt/freesurfer-530
mri_convert bold/template.nii bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii
mri_convert bold/template.nii bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii 
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $
reading from bold/template.nii...
TR=2000.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
i_ras = (-0.999653, -0.00336006, -0.0261388)
j_ras = (-2.83047e-08, -0.991839, 0.127499)
k_ras = (-0.0263539, 0.127455, 0.991494)
writing to bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii...
fslregister --s field --mov bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii --reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat --niters 1 --maxangle 90 --nobetmov 
--tmp bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister --dof 6 --fsvol brainmask.mgz

Log file is bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat.fslregister.log

Thu Oct 16 10:54:37 EDT 2014
--s field --mov bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii --reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat --niters 1 --maxangle 90 --nobetmov 
--tmp bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister --dof 6 --fsvol brainmask.mgz
$Id: fslregister,v 2012/11/08 16:18:56 greve Exp $
Linux konis 2.6.32-431.20.5.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jul 25 08:34:44 UTC 2014 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
nIters 1
mri_convert /misc/data41/yuex/human_anat/field/mri/brainmask.mgz 
mri_convert /misc/data41/yuex/human_anat/field/mri/brainmask.mgz 
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $
reading from /misc/data41/yuex/human_anat/field/mri/brainmask.mgz...
TR=6.88, TE=2.72, TI=725.00, flip angle=10.00
i_ras = (-1, 0, 0)
j_ras = (0, 0, -1)
k_ras = (0, 1, 0)
writing to bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/refvol.fslregister.nii...
mri_convert bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/movvol.fslregister.nii --frame 0
mri_convert bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/movvol.fslregister.nii --frame 0 
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $
reading from bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii...
TR=2000.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
i_ras = (-0.999653, -0.00336006, -0.0261388)
j_ras = (-2.83047e-08, -0.991839, 0.127499)
k_ras = (-0.0263539, 0.127455, 0.991494)
keeping frame 0
writing to bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/movvol.fslregister.nii...
Mov determinant is 2.94386
Swapping dims for pos det
WARNING:: Flipping Left/Right orientation (as det < 0)
tkregister_tcl /opt/freesurfer-530/tktools/tkregister2.tcl
target  volume bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/movvol.fslregister.nii
movable volume bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii
reg file       bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/swapreg.dat
LoadVol        0
ZeroCRAS       0
$Id: tkregister2.c,v 2011/03/28 20:25:16 greve Exp $
Diagnostic Level -1
INFO: loading target 
INFO: target does not conform to COR format, so I'm going to
reslice to COR. This will not affect the final registration.
Ttarg: --------------------
-1.000   0.000   0.000   128.000;
 0.000   0.000   1.000  -128.000;
 0.000  -1.000   0.000   128.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
INFO: loading movable bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii
Tmov: --------------------
-1.408   0.000   0.000   100.000;
 0.000   0.000   1.484  -30.422;
 0.000  -1.408   0.000   100.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
mkheaderreg = 1, float2int = 0
Computing reg from header (and possibly input matrix)
---- Input registration matrix (computed) --------
 1.000   0.003   0.026   1.408;
-0.026   0.127   0.991   0.000;
 0.000   0.992  -0.127  -0.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
---- Input registration matrix --------
 1.000   0.003   0.026   1.408;
-0.026   0.127   0.991   0.000;
 0.000   0.992  -0.127  -0.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
Determinant -1
subject = subject-unknown
RegMat ---------------------------
-1.000   0.000  -0.000   1.408;
 0.000   1.000   0.000  -0.000;
 0.000  -0.000   1.000  -0.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
tkregister2_cmdl --mov 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/movvol.fslregister.nii --reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/reg0.16852.dat --regheader --fslregout 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat.fsl.mat0 --s field --noedit
tkregister_tcl /opt/freesurfer-530/tktools/tkregister2.tcl
INFO: no target volume specified, assuming FreeSurfer orig volume.
target  volume orig
movable volume bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/movvol.fslregister.nii
reg file       bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/reg0.16852.dat
LoadVol        0
ZeroCRAS       0
$Id: tkregister2.c,v 2011/03/28 20:25:16 greve Exp $
Diagnostic Level -1
INFO: loading target /misc/data41/yuex/human_anat/field/mri/orig.mgz
Ttarg: --------------------
-1.000   0.000   0.000   128.000;
 0.000   0.000   1.000  -128.000;
 0.000  -1.000   0.000   128.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
INFO: loading movable 
Tmov: --------------------
-1.408   0.000   0.000   100.000;
 0.000   0.000   1.484  -30.422;
 0.000  -1.408   0.000   100.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
mkheaderreg = 1, float2int = 0
Computing reg from header (and possibly input matrix)
---- Input registration matrix (computed) --------
-1.000  -0.003  -0.026  -3.599;
-0.026   0.127   0.991   37.395;
 0.000   0.992  -0.127   5.728;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
---- Input registration matrix --------
-1.000  -0.003  -0.026  -3.599;
-0.026   0.127   0.991   37.395;
 0.000   0.992  -0.127   5.728;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
Determinant 1
subject = field
RegMat ---------------------------
-1.000  -0.003  -0.026  -3.599;
-0.026   0.127   0.991   37.395;
 0.000   0.992  -0.127   5.728;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
tkreg2FSL: mov det = -2.94386, ref det = -1
Thu Oct 16 10:54:40 EDT 2014
flirt.fsl -ref bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/refvol.fslregister.nii -in 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/movvol.fslregister.nii -bins 256 -cost 
corratio -dof 6 -searchrx -90 90 -searchry -90 90 -searchrz -90 90 -verbose 0 
-omat bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/fslmat0.trans.mat -schedule 
/opt/fsl/etc/flirtsch/xyztrans.sch -init 
Thu Oct 16 10:54:46 EDT 2014
flirt.fsl -ref bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/refvol.fslregister.nii -in 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/movvol.fslregister.nii -bins 256 -cost 
corratio -dof 6 -searchrx -90 90 -searchry -90 90 -searchrz -90 90 -verbose 0 
-omat bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat.fsl.mat -init 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/fslmat0.trans.mat -schedule 
tkregister2_cmdl --s field --mov 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/movvol.fslregister.nii --reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat --fslreg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat.fsl.mat --noedit
tkregister_tcl /opt/freesurfer-530/tktools/tkregister2.tcl
---- FSL registration matrix --------
-0.977  -0.168   0.132   237.045;
-0.044  -0.446  -0.894   247.166;
 0.209  -0.879   0.429   165.812;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
INFO: no target volume specified, assuming FreeSurfer orig volume.
target  volume orig
movable volume bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/movvol.fslregister.nii
reg file       bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat
LoadVol        0
ZeroCRAS       0
$Id: tkregister2.c,v 2011/03/28 20:25:16 greve Exp $
Diagnostic Level -1
INFO: loading target /misc/data41/yuex/human_anat/field/mri/orig.mgz
Ttarg: --------------------
-1.000   0.000   0.000   128.000;
 0.000   0.000   1.000  -128.000;
 0.000  -1.000   0.000   128.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
INFO: loading movable 
Tmov: --------------------
-1.408   0.000   0.000   100.000;
 0.000   0.000   1.484  -30.422;
 0.000  -1.408   0.000   100.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
mkheaderreg = 0, float2int = 0
fsl2TkReg: mov det = -2.94386, ref det = -1
---- Input registration matrix (computed) --------
-0.977  -0.209  -0.044  -3.920;
-0.132   0.429   0.894   45.467;
-0.168   0.879  -0.446  -4.702;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
---- Input registration matrix --------
-0.977  -0.209  -0.044  -3.920;
-0.132   0.429   0.894   45.467;
-0.168   0.879  -0.446  -4.702;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
Determinant 1
subject = field
RegMat ---------------------------
-0.977  -0.209  -0.044  -3.920;
-0.132   0.429   0.894   45.467;
-0.168   0.879  -0.446  -4.702;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
mri_matrix_multiply -im bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/fslregister/swapreg.dat -im 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat -om 
Started at Thu Oct 16 10:54:37 EDT 2014 
Ended   at Thu Oct 16 10:54:55 EDT 2014
fslregister Done
To check results, run:
tkregister2 --mov bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii --reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat --surf orig
mri_segreg --mov bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii --init-reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat --out-reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/bbr.pass1.dat --subsamp-brute 100 --subsamp 100 --tol 
1e-4 --tol1d 1e-3 --brute -4 4 4 --surf white --gm-proj-frac 0.5 --gm-gt-wm 0.5
$Id: mri_segreg.c,v 2011/10/07 19:14:42 greve Exp $
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /misc/data41/yuex/human_anat
cd /misc/data41/yuex/humanfMRI/human_curvature/subjdata/field090514
mri_segreg --mov bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii --init-reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat --out-reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/bbr.pass1.dat --subsamp-brute 100 --subsamp 100 --tol 
1e-4 --tol1d 1e-3 --brute -4 4 4 --surf white --gm-proj-frac 0.5 --gm-gt-wm 0.5 
sysname  Linux
hostname konis
machine  x86_64
user     yuex
movvol bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii
regfile bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.init.dat
subject field
dof 6
outregfile bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/bbr.pass1.dat
UseMask 0
UseLH 1
UseRH 1
nsubsamp 100
PenaltySign  -1
PenaltySlope 0.500000
PenaltyCenter 0.000000
surfname white
GMProjFrac 0.500000
WMProjAbs 2.000000
lhcostfile (null)
rhcostfile (null)
interp  trilinear (1)
frame  0
TolPowell 0.000100
nMaxItersPowell 36
n1dmin  3
Profile   0
Gdiag_no  -1
AddNoise  0 (0)
SynthSeed 1413976737
TransRandMax 0.000000
RotRandMax 0.000000
Translations 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Rotations   0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Input reg
 0.977   0.209   0.044   5.329;
-0.132   0.429   0.894   45.467;
-0.168   0.879  -0.446  -4.702;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;

Loading mov
Projecting LH Surfs
Loading lh.white surf
Loading lh.thickness for GM
GM Proj: 1 0.500000 2.000000
WM Proj: 0 0.500000 2.000000
Projecting RH Surfs
Loading rh.white surf
Loading rh.thickness
Projecting RH Surfs
Computing relative cost
 0  -25.0 -25.0 -25.0   1.060951
 1  -25.0 -25.0  25.0   1.079854
 2  -25.0  25.0 -25.0   1.010896
 3  -25.0  25.0  25.0   0.976003
 4   25.0 -25.0 -25.0   0.991040
 5   25.0 -25.0  25.0   1.056359
 6   25.0  25.0 -25.0   1.034184
 7   25.0  25.0  25.0   1.030553
REL:  8  1.081220    8.239841  1.029980 rel = 1.04975 
Initial costs ----------------
Number of surface hits 950
WM  Intensity  1926.3137 +/- 632.0443
Ctx Intensity  1824.4384 +/- 642.8431
Pct Contrast     -6.5655 +/-  34.3464
Cost   1.0812
RelCost   1.0497

WARNING: initial G-W contrast is negative, but expecting positive.
If the mov data has a T1 contrast, re-run with --T1

Brute force preopt -4 4 4, n = 729
     0  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000      1.1055   
1.1055  0.0
     1  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000   0.0000      1.0629   
1.0629  0.0
     2  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000   4.0000      1.0403   
1.0403  0.0
    14  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000   0.0000   0.0000   4.0000      1.0339   
1.0339  0.0
    15  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000   0.0000   4.0000  -4.0000      1.0287   
1.0287  0.0
    18  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000   4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000      1.0278   
1.0278  0.0
    22  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000   4.0000   0.0000   0.0000      1.0007   
1.0007  0.0
    24  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000   4.0000   4.0000  -4.0000      0.9934   
0.9934  0.0
    32  -4.0000  -4.0000   0.0000  -4.0000   0.0000   4.0000      0.9521   
0.9521  0.0
    45  -4.0000  -4.0000   0.0000   4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000      0.9411   
0.9411  0.0
    63  -4.0000  -4.0000   4.0000   0.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000      0.9392   
0.9392  0.0
   235  -4.0000   4.0000   4.0000   4.0000  -4.0000   0.0000      0.9170   
0.9170  0.0
Brute Force --------------------------
Min cost was 0.916969
Number of iterations   729
Search time 0.742000 sec
Parameters at best (transmm, rotdeg)
 -4.000   4.000   4.000  4.000 -4.000  0.000 

Starting Powell Minimization
Init Powel Params dof = 6
0 -4
1 4
2 4
3 4
4 -4
5 0
   8 -3.917  4.000  4.000  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9165411210
   9 -3.953  4.000  4.000  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9157219616
  11 -3.947  4.000  4.000  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9156704455
  14 -3.946  4.000  4.000  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9156692861
  23 -3.946  4.066  4.000  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9134709439
  26 -3.946  4.064  4.000  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9134644332
  27 -3.946  4.062  4.000  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9134638440
  38 -3.946  4.062  3.984  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9130255627
  39 -3.946  4.062  3.975  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9129089055
  40 -3.946  4.062  3.969  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9128597309
  42 -3.946  4.062  3.966  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9128409988
  43 -3.946  4.062  3.961  4.000 -4.000  0.000   0.9128296138
  52 -3.946  4.062  3.961  3.794 -4.000  0.000   0.9100269104
  53 -3.946  4.062  3.961  3.808 -4.000  0.000   0.9100260980
  58 -3.946  4.062  3.961  3.812 -4.000  0.000   0.9100095252
  59 -3.946  4.062  3.961  3.815 -4.000  0.000   0.9099962192
  68 -3.946  4.062  3.961  3.815 -4.267  0.000   0.9094265643
  69 -3.946  4.062  3.961  3.815 -4.170  0.000   0.9072434154
  70 -3.946  4.062  3.961  3.815 -4.141  0.000   0.9064106850
  73 -3.946  4.062  3.961  3.815 -4.143  0.000   0.9064054824
  84 -3.946  4.062  3.961  3.815 -4.143  0.001   0.9064040237
  86 -3.946  4.062  3.961  3.815 -4.143  0.002   0.9064039348
  87 -3.892  4.125  3.921  3.630 -4.285  0.004   0.9027192437
  94 -3.896  4.120  3.924  3.645 -4.274  0.004   0.9024736980
  95 -3.896  4.119  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9024724576
  96 -3.896  4.119  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9024718486
 106 -3.945  4.119  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9018553972
 107 -3.951  4.119  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9017821473
 108 -3.977  4.119  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9016635904
 109 -3.973  4.119  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9016340851
 110 -3.968  4.119  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9016257392
 111 -3.969  4.119  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9016249172
 120 -3.969  4.121  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9016172028
 124 -3.969  4.129  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9015394601
 125 -3.969  4.134  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9014979661
 128 -3.969  4.136  3.925  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9014892022
 135 -3.969  4.136  3.924  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9014392066
 138 -3.969  4.136  3.877  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9001414586
 140 -3.969  4.136  3.880  3.646 -4.273  0.004   0.9001378792
 158 -3.969  4.136  3.880  3.647 -4.273  0.004   0.9001331973
 179 -3.970  4.135  3.880  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.9001042789
 184 -3.970  4.135  3.880  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.9000943733
 194 -3.999  4.135  3.880  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8997865834
 196 -3.989  4.135  3.880  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8996434070
 197 -3.988  4.135  3.880  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8996417812
 221 -3.988  4.135  3.865  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8995321209
 222 -3.988  4.135  3.868  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8995247373
 223 -3.988  4.135  3.869  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8995244465
 275 -3.995  4.135  3.864  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8995098988
 276 -3.992  4.135  3.866  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8995021752
 277 -3.992  4.135  3.866  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8995019692
 309 -3.992  4.133  3.866  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8994973234
 321 -3.992  4.133  3.865  3.648 -4.273  0.004   0.8994970625
 333 -3.992  4.133  3.865  3.651 -4.273  0.004   0.8994703867
 356 -3.993  4.133  3.865  3.651 -4.273  0.004   0.8994697639
 360 -3.993  4.133  3.865  3.651 -4.273  0.004   0.8994697483
Powell done niters = 3
Computing relative cost
 0  -25.0 -25.0 -25.0   1.074594
 1  -25.0 -25.0  25.0   1.091803
 2  -25.0  25.0 -25.0   1.064029
 3  -25.0  25.0  25.0   1.015808
 4   25.0 -25.0 -25.0   1.042443
 5   25.0 -25.0  25.0   0.996388
 6   25.0  25.0 -25.0   0.964784
 7   25.0  25.0  25.0   1.046877
REL:  8  0.899470    8.296725  1.037091 rel = 0.867301 
Number of iterations     3
Min cost was 0.899470
Number of FunctionCalls   363
TolPowell 0.000100
nMaxItersPowell 36
OptimizationTime 0.364000 sec
Parameters at optimum (transmm) -3.99275  4.13266  3.86469
Parameters at optimum (rotdeg)  3.65113 -4.27252  0.00400 
Final costs ----------------
Number of surface hits 814
WM  Intensity  1787.3310 +/- 612.2335
Ctx Intensity  1807.2624 +/- 643.9524
Pct Contrast      0.6529 +/-  31.6639
Cost   0.8995
RelCost   1.0497
Reg at min cost was 
 0.987   0.141   0.073   1.452;
-0.121   0.372   0.920   49.807;
-0.102   0.918  -0.384   2.470;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;

Writing optimal reg to bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/bbr.pass1.dat, type = 14 
Original Reg 
 0.977   0.209   0.044   5.329;
-0.132   0.429   0.894   45.467;
-0.168   0.879  -0.446  -4.702;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;

Original Reg - Optimal Reg
-0.010   0.068  -0.029   3.877;
-0.011   0.057  -0.027  -4.340;
-0.065  -0.039  -0.062  -7.172;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000;

Computing change in lh position
LH rmsDiffMean 8.547457
Computing change in rh position
Surface RMS Diff (mm) 9.872335 14.654105

WARNING: initial G-W contrast was negative, but expected positive.
If the mov data has a T1 contrast, re-run with --T1

mri_segreg done
mri_segreg --mov bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii --init-reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/bbr.pass1.dat --out-reg bold/register.dof6.dat 
--brute -0.1 0.1 0.1 --interp trilinear --wm-proj-abs 2 --tol 1e-8 --tol1d 1e-3 
--c0 0 --mincost bold/register.dof6.dat.mincost --dof 6 --nmax 36 --param 
bold/register.dof6.dat.param --surf white --cur-reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.curopt.dat --gm-proj-frac 0.5 --nsub 1 --gm-gt-wm 
$Id: mri_segreg.c,v 2011/10/07 19:14:42 greve Exp $
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /misc/data41/yuex/human_anat
cd /misc/data41/yuex/humanfMRI/human_curvature/subjdata/field090514
mri_segreg --mov bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii --init-reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/bbr.pass1.dat --out-reg bold/register.dof6.dat 
--brute -0.1 0.1 0.1 --interp trilinear --wm-proj-abs 2 --tol 1e-8 --tol1d 1e-3 
--c0 0 --mincost bold/register.dof6.dat.mincost --dof 6 --nmax 36 --param 
bold/register.dof6.dat.param --surf white --cur-reg 
bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/reg.curopt.dat --gm-proj-frac 0.5 --nsub 1 --gm-gt-wm 
sysname  Linux
hostname konis
machine  x86_64
user     yuex
movvol bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/template.nii
regfile bold/tmp.bbregister.16782/bbr.pass1.dat
subject field
dof 6
outregfile bold/register.dof6.dat
UseMask 0
UseLH 1
UseRH 1
nsubsamp 1
PenaltySign  -1
PenaltySlope 0.500000
PenaltyCenter 0.000000
surfname white
GMProjFrac 0.500000
WMProjAbs 2.000000
lhcostfile (null)
rhcostfile (null)
interp  trilinear (1)
frame  0
TolPowell 0.000000
nMaxItersPowell 36
n1dmin  3
Profile   0
Gdiag_no  -1
AddNoise  0 (0)
SynthSeed 1414220614
TransRandMax 0.000000
RotRandMax 0.000000
Translations 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Rotations   0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Input reg
 0.987   0.141   0.073   1.452;
-0.121   0.372   0.920   49.807;
-0.102   0.918  -0.384   2.470;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;

Loading mov
Projecting LH Surfs
Loading lh.white surf
Loading lh.thickness for GM
GM Proj: 1 0.500000 2.000000
WM Proj: 0 0.500000 2.000000
Projecting RH Surfs
Loading rh.white surf
Loading rh.thickness
Projecting RH Surfs
Computing relative cost
 0  -25.0 -25.0 -25.0   1.041423
 1  -25.0 -25.0  25.0   1.058492
 2  -25.0  25.0 -25.0   1.076482
 3  -25.0  25.0  25.0   1.040607
 4   25.0 -25.0 -25.0   1.041040
 5   25.0 -25.0  25.0   1.008015
 6   25.0  25.0 -25.0   1.003799
 7   25.0  25.0  25.0   1.053811
REL:  8  0.988398    8.323668  1.040459 rel = 0.949964 
Initial costs ----------------
Number of surface hits 81800
WM  Intensity  1792.5866 +/- 600.1171
Ctx Intensity  1789.8013 +/- 630.6812
Pct Contrast     -0.8341 +/-  31.0950
Cost   0.9884
RelCost   0.9500

WARNING: initial G-W contrast is negative, but expecting positive.
If the mov data has a T1 contrast, re-run with --T1

Brute force preopt -0.1 0.1 0.1, n = 729
     0  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000      0.9040   
0.9040  0.0
     1  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000   0.0000      0.9018   
0.9018  0.0
    10  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000   0.0000  -0.1000   0.0000      0.9001   
0.9001  0.0
    90  -0.1000   0.0000  -0.1000   0.0000  -0.1000  -0.1000      0.8988   
0.8988  0.0
    91  -0.1000   0.0000  -0.1000   0.0000  -0.1000   0.0000      0.8982   
0.8982  0.0
   257   0.0000  -0.1000  -0.1000   0.0000   0.0000   0.1000      0.8978   
0.8978  0.0
   263   0.0000  -0.1000  -0.1000   0.1000  -0.1000   0.1000      0.8976   
0.8976  0.0
Brute Force --------------------------
Min cost was 0.897650
Number of iterations   729
Search time 0.725000 sec
Parameters at best (transmm, rotdeg)
  0.000  -0.100  -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100 

Starting Powell Minimization
Init Powel Params dof = 6
0 0
1 -0.1
2 -0.1
3 0.1
4 -0.1
5 0.1
   2  1.000 -0.100 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9798781214
   3  2.618 -0.100 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9562461928
   6  3.618 -0.100 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9546126772
   8  3.660 -0.100 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9542808560
   9  3.900 -0.100 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9536104912
  11  3.878 -0.100 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9535784922
  12  3.795 -0.100 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9533989577
  14  3.812 -0.100 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9533905947
  15  3.809 -0.100 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9533890242
  27  3.808 -0.190 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9533491326
  30  3.808 -0.174 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9532877026
  31  3.808 -0.170 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9532539497
  35  3.808 -0.169 -0.100  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9532526690
  48  3.808 -0.169 -0.094  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9532488995
  49  3.808 -0.169 -0.093  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9532486751
  50  3.808 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.100  0.100   0.9532484316
  74  3.808 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.101  0.100   0.9532457725
  75  3.808 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.113  0.100   0.9532225067
  78  3.808 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.112  0.100   0.9532217283
  80  3.808 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.111  0.100   0.9532213431
  81  3.808 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.100   0.9532213400
  90  3.808 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.095   0.9532058658
  93  3.808 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.094   0.9532056606
  94  3.808 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9532046688
 102  3.190 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9520714732
 108  3.189 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9520708101
 111  3.188 -0.169 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9520708059
 120  3.188 -0.234 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9517274568
 122  3.188 -0.257 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9514965824
 123  3.188 -0.265 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9514462351
 127  3.188 -0.264 -0.091  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9514248959
 133  3.188 -0.264  0.291  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9513007666
 134  3.188 -0.264  0.113  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9512690686
 136  3.188 -0.264  0.035  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9512125323
 137  3.188 -0.264 -0.013  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9511676263
 139  3.188 -0.264 -0.027  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9511481587
 140  3.188 -0.264 -0.028  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9511471720
 142  3.188 -0.264 -0.030  0.100 -0.110  0.093   0.9511464304
 150  3.188 -0.264 -0.030  0.482 -0.110  0.093   0.9510831190
 151  3.188 -0.264 -0.030  0.298 -0.110  0.093   0.9506860322
 152  3.188 -0.264 -0.030  0.297 -0.110  0.093   0.9506778488
 170  3.188 -0.264 -0.030  0.297 -0.111  0.093   0.9506776272
 171  3.188 -0.264 -0.030  0.297 -0.112  0.093   0.9506775922
 182  3.188 -0.264 -0.030  0.297 -0.112 -0.005   0.9505029075
 187  3.188 -0.264 -0.030  0.297 -0.112 -0.013   0.9504718219
 200  3.175 -0.264 -0.030  0.297 -0.112 -0.013   0.9504409404
 202  3.171 -0.264 -0.030  0.297 -0.112 -0.013   0.9504379097
 211  3.171 -0.242 -0.030  0.297 -0.112 -0.013   0.9502729151
 214  3.171 -0.238 -0.030  0.297 -0.112 -0.013   0.9502579966
 224  3.171 -0.238  0.127  0.297 -0.112 -0.013   0.9501152728
 226  3.171 -0.238  0.120  0.297 -0.112 -0.013   0.9501015204
 227  3.171 -0.238  0.117  0.297 -0.112 -0.013   0.9500992221
 228  3.171 -0.238  0.115  0.297 -0.112 -0.013   0.9500990034
 249  3.171 -0.238  0.115  0.297 -0.040 -0.013   0.9499297028
 250  3.171 -0.238  0.115  0.297  0.006 -0.013   0.9496860912
 251  3.171 -0.238  0.115  0.297  0.107 -0.013   0.9496078797
 252  3.171 -0.238  0.115  0.297  0.070 -0.013   0.9495299658
 254  3.171 -0.238  0.115  0.297  0.072 -0.013   0.9495291524
 267  3.171 -0.238  0.115  0.297  0.073 -0.033   0.9495083726
 268  3.171 -0.238  0.115  0.297  0.073 -0.029   0.9494873469
 270  3.171 -0.238  0.115  0.297  0.073 -0.027   0.9494783266
 281  3.161 -0.238  0.115  0.297  0.073 -0.027   0.9494373109
 283  3.151 -0.238  0.115  0.297  0.073 -0.027   0.9494169007
 299  3.151 -0.239  0.115  0.297  0.073 -0.027   0.9494168675
 308  3.151 -0.239  0.133  0.297  0.073 -0.027   0.9494106537
 309  3.151 -0.239  0.128  0.297  0.073 -0.027   0.9494090531
 310  3.151 -0.239  0.127  0.297  0.073 -0.027   0.9494087548
 312  3.151 -0.239  0.125  0.297  0.073 -0.027   0.9494081880
 325  3.151 -0.239  0.125  0.296  0.073 -0.027   0.9494011607
 335  3.151 -0.239  0.125  0.296  0.056 -0.027   0.9493800474
 336  3.151 -0.239  0.125  0.296  0.057 -0.027   0.9493794874
 337  3.151 -0.239  0.125  0.296  0.059 -0.027   0.9493793202
 365  3.147 -0.239  0.125  0.296  0.059 -0.027   0.9493770612
 366  3.146 -0.239  0.125  0.296  0.059 -0.027   0.9493768300
 390  3.146 -0.239  0.140  0.296  0.059 -0.027   0.9493650667
 391  3.146 -0.239  0.139  0.296  0.059 -0.027   0.9493635499
 392  3.146 -0.239  0.136  0.296  0.059 -0.027   0.9493615772
 394  3.146 -0.239  0.135  0.296  0.059 -0.027   0.9493614546
 417  3.146 -0.239  0.135  0.296  0.052 -0.027   0.9493562867
 440  3.144 -0.239  0.138  0.296  0.050 -0.027   0.9493547966
 441  3.144 -0.239  0.138  0.296  0.050 -0.027   0.9493546971
 442  3.144 -0.239  0.138  0.296  0.050 -0.027   0.9493546872
 445  3.145 -0.239  0.137  0.296  0.051 -0.027   0.9493546636
 465  3.145 -0.239  0.137  0.296  0.050 -0.027   0.9493540703
 516  3.145 -0.239  0.137  0.296  0.051 -0.027   0.9493540080
 523  3.145 -0.239  0.139  0.296  0.050 -0.027   0.9493537002
 526  3.144 -0.239  0.139  0.296  0.050 -0.027   0.9493536936
 531  3.144 -0.239  0.139  0.296  0.050 -0.027   0.9493536819
 532  3.144 -0.239  0.139  0.296  0.050 -0.027   0.9493536801
 547  3.145 -0.239  0.139  0.296  0.050 -0.027   0.9493530914
 548  3.146 -0.239  0.139  0.296  0.050 -0.027   0.9493530523
 605  3.145 -0.239  0.143  0.296  0.047 -0.027   0.9493522092
 606  3.145 -0.239  0.142  0.296  0.048 -0.027   0.9493520486
 607  3.145 -0.239  0.142  0.296  0.048 -0.027   0.9493520000
 612  3.145 -0.239  0.142  0.296  0.048 -0.027   0.9493519993
 614  3.146 -0.239  0.144  0.296  0.046 -0.027   0.9493502781
 619  3.146 -0.239  0.146  0.296  0.045 -0.027   0.9493500959
 621  3.146 -0.239  0.146  0.296  0.045 -0.027   0.9493500773
 640  3.148 -0.239  0.146  0.296  0.045 -0.027   0.9493498793
 642  3.147 -0.239  0.146  0.296  0.045 -0.027   0.9493495433
 679  3.147 -0.239  0.146  0.290  0.045 -0.027   0.9493458374
 696  3.148 -0.239  0.149  0.290  0.043 -0.027   0.9493453615
 700  3.148 -0.239  0.148  0.290  0.044 -0.027   0.9493453591
 701  3.148 -0.239  0.148  0.290  0.044 -0.027   0.9493453572
 702  3.148 -0.239  0.148  0.290  0.044 -0.027   0.9493452999
 707  3.150 -0.239  0.154  0.285  0.040 -0.027   0.9493329264
 714  3.150 -0.239  0.154  0.285  0.040 -0.027   0.9493327460
 715  3.151 -0.239  0.154  0.285  0.039 -0.027   0.9493325312
 717  3.151 -0.239  0.155  0.284  0.039 -0.027   0.9493318303
 720  3.151 -0.239  0.155  0.284  0.039 -0.027   0.9493317536
 722  3.151 -0.239  0.155  0.284  0.039 -0.027   0.9493317326
 737  3.149 -0.239  0.155  0.284  0.039 -0.027   0.9493309425
 770  3.147 -0.239  0.151  0.284  0.042 -0.027   0.9493298067
 771  3.148 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493293902
 775  3.148 -0.239  0.153  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493293854
 776  3.148 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493293679
 777  3.148 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493293405
 778  3.148 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493293348
 779  3.148 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493293165
 807  3.148 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493292815
 808  3.148 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493292113
 810  3.148 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493291950
 811  3.148 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493291898
 812  3.148 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493291796
 824  3.149 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493289069
 862  3.149 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493288628
 870  3.149 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.041 -0.027   0.9493288576
 971  3.149 -0.239  0.152  0.284  0.042 -0.027   0.9493288401
Powell done niters = 10
Computing relative cost
 0  -25.0 -25.0 -25.0   1.054557
 1  -25.0 -25.0  25.0   1.061450
 2  -25.0  25.0 -25.0   1.063480
 3  -25.0  25.0  25.0   1.043488
 4   25.0 -25.0 -25.0   1.034488
 5   25.0 -25.0  25.0   1.027559
 6   25.0  25.0 -25.0   0.998397
 7   25.0  25.0  25.0   1.053964
REL:  8  0.949329    8.337382  1.042173 rel = 0.910913 
Number of iterations    10
Min cost was 0.949329
Number of FunctionCalls   989
TolPowell 0.000000
nMaxItersPowell 36
OptimizationTime 47.672000 sec
Parameters at optimum (transmm)  3.14893 -0.23910  0.15245
Parameters at optimum (rotdeg)  0.28423  0.04171 -0.02742 
Final costs ----------------
Number of surface hits 82193
WM  Intensity  1808.4431 +/- 585.9213
Ctx Intensity  1814.5868 +/- 621.2398
Pct Contrast     -0.5009 +/-  29.2215
Cost   0.9493
RelCost   0.9500
Reg at min cost was 
 0.987   0.142   0.073   4.627;
-0.121   0.367   0.922   49.554;
-0.104   0.919  -0.380   2.868;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;

Writing optimal reg to bold/register.dof6.dat, type = 14 
Original Reg 
 0.987   0.141   0.073   1.452;
-0.121   0.372   0.920   49.807;
-0.102   0.918  -0.384   2.470;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;

Original Reg - Optimal Reg
 0.000  -0.001  -0.000  -3.175;
-0.000   0.005  -0.002   0.253;
 0.001  -0.002  -0.005  -0.398;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000;

Computing change in lh position
LH rmsDiffMean 3.212828
Computing change in rh position
Surface RMS Diff (mm) 3.209627 3.352517

WARNING: initial G-W contrast was negative, but expected positive.
If the mov data has a T1 contrast, re-run with --T1

mri_segreg done
Cleaning up
Started at Thu Oct 16 10:54:36 EDT 2014 
Ended   at Thu Oct 16 10:55:56 EDT 2014
BBR-Run-Time-Sec 80
bbregister Done
To check results, run:
tkregister2 --mov bold/template.nii --reg bold/register.dof6.dat --surf
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