Thanks! I tried to adapt the configuration file and it got a bit further,
but then crashes again. Not sure why? I have added the log file, so that
maybe you could have a look at what is happening?
Also, how does the trac-all command knows where to find the T1 data?

On 5/31/16, 5:07 PM, " on behalf of
Anastasia Yendiki" < on behalf of> wrote:

>No, it should be pointed to the DWI data, which can be corrected niftis
>instead of the original dicoms. I would recommend turning off all the
>corrections in the configuration file, and then running everything
>skipping steps. This will create all the files that are expected to be
>there for the registration.
>On Tue, 31 May 2016, Jacobs H (NP) wrote:
>> Dear Anastasia,
>> Thanks for the feedback. So, does this mean that the dcm root should be
>> pointed towards the T1¹s? I have the FreeSurfer recon-all output in a
>> different folder.
>> Enclosed is the log file (of one subject) and the configuration file.
>> will see that I tried the inter and intra option, because I thought that
>> for the inter it would not need anything else than the MNI template and
>> the DTI images.
>> Thanks
>> Best
>> Heidi
>> On 5/31/16, 4:01 PM, " on behalf
>> Anastasia Yendiki" < on behalf of
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Heidi - The intra-subject registration step that you're trying to
>>> registers your subject's DWI and T1 images. It expects to find those
>>> images. It doesn't use the FA, MD, etc in any way.
>>> Did the log file get created in scripts/trac-all.log? If so, can you
>>> please send that file and your configuration file? Thanks!
>>> a.y
>>> On Tue, 31 May 2016, Jacobs H (NP) wrote:
>>>> Dear FreeSurfers,
>>>> The data I have is preprocessed, so I have the all the metrics (FA,
>>>> L1, L2, L3,..) in nifti format.
>>>> On this data I would like to start tracula starting from step 1.3.
>>>> I have organized the data as mentioned on the wiki:
>>>> For example:
>>>> <subjID>/<dmri> dtifit_FA.nii.gz
>>>> I have also filled in the configuration file, canceling out the things
>>>> I don¹t need and then I tried to run:
>>>> Trac-all ­intra ­c <configuration file>
>>>> Unfortunately, it does not work, it says: dcmlist: subscript out of
>>>> range
>>>> I do not have the original filesŠ is there a way that I can get the
>>>> script working?
>>>> Many thanks.
>>>> Heidi

Attachment: dwi.ecclog
Description: dwi.ecclog

Attachment: trac-all.log
Description: trac-all.log

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