External Email - Use Caution        

I see. Can I add the flag -nomc to skip motion correction? If I have done
the slice timing, realignment and denoising, can I use the following
command to do registration, normalization and smoothing?

*preproc-sess -s sess01 -fsd bold -nomc -nostc -surface fsaverage lhrh
-mni305 -fwhm 5 -per-run*
If I have modified the functional data before I run preproc-sess, will it
influence the registration and normalization?

On Tue, 23 Oct 2018 at 00:08, Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. <
dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

> Actually, if you just store the denoised data as f.nii.gz, then run
> preproc-sess it should do ok. It will do motion correction, but it should
> not really do any thing if MC is already done. Just make sure that the
> image has a proper baseline so that the registration will work.
> On 10/22/18 11:14 PM, Zhi Li wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Thank you. But the fmri-denoised.nii.gz will be a volume-based data, how
> can I register and normalize it to the surface-based space, as
> 'preproc-sess' do that will generate the bilateral cortex in surface and
> subcortical area in volume?
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 at 17:12, Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. <
> dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> If you do all the preprocessing yourself, then store the output in the
>> run folder with a certain name, fmri-denoised.nii.gz, then when you run
>> mkanalysis-sess specify -funcstem fmri-denoised and proceed as norm.
>> On 10/22/2018 04:08 PM, Zhi Li wrote:
>> >
>> >         External Email - Use Caution
>> >
>> > Hi FreeSurfer Experts,
>> >
>> > I am trying surface-based analysis of task-fMRI with FS-FAST. However,
>> > I would like to apply ICA-based denoising and wavelet-despiking which
>> > can be not done with the 'preproc-sess'. I wonder if I can do the
>> > preprocessing with other tools before registration with FS anatomical
>> > and normalization? If it is available, how can I do it with command
>> line?
>> >
>> > Another question is if can I use other template for parcellation
>> > during using 'recon-all', such as the template of Human Connectome
>> > Project?
>> >
>> > Looking forward to your kind reply.
>> >
>> > Thank you and best wishes,
>> >
>> > Zhi
>> >
>> >
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