External Email - Use Caution        

​Hello Jon,
Since trac-all is a tcsh script, you could try prefacing it with "tcsh -x" to 
get extra output about what it is doing, i.e.,
$ tcsh -x trac-all  ....rest of args...
- and then look thru the trac-all output to see where it actually runs a binary 
command.  Or if you can find in the output of the trac-all script where it 
runs the binary command that fails, then you could cut and paste that binary 
command line and try running it directly from the terminal.  If you can 
reproduce the error from running the binary command line on the terminal, then 
you could run it in gdb - which might give some more info than just hex output 
if the binary has symbolic info.  Sometimes scripts run other scripts 
before they exec and binaries, so the first level output may not show anything 
useful, but it could be worth a try..

A segfault can be caused by a memory error, but meanwhile I will try to get in 
touch with the developer since the trace we have so far does not contain any 
useful symbolic info. 

On Oct 30, 2018, at 11:02, Whitney, Jon <jon.whit...@ert.com> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        Also, I have located the 
core dump file if that helps.Thanks!On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 11:01 AM Whitney, 
Jon <jon.whit...@ert.com> wrote:Hey!  Thanks for your 
help. Looking at the end of the system log:<image.png>It's a bunch 
of mysterious hex. using gdb on trac-all doesn't work because gdb claims 
it will only work on executable files, not scripts.  However, my 
Linux guru was able to get the backtrace for the crash.<image.png>which 
is also in inscrutable hex.  He says that the only way to really identify 
the error is by combining data (such as the core dump) with the original code 
to decode this hex data.Thoughts?
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