External Email - Use Caution        

> On March 13, 2019 at 9:18 PM Donatienne Van Weehaeghe 
> <donatienne.vanweehae...@uzleuven.be> wrote:
> The code I tried to run:
> #mri_gtmpvc --i SUVR_cerebellum.nii.gz --reg suv.reg.lta --psf 5 --seg 
> /gtmseg.mgz --default-seg-merge --auto-mask 5 0.01 --rbv --o 
> gtmpvc.output.suvrcerebellum.spmreg --no-rescale --threads 8

Is that slash in the part '--seg /gtmseg.mgz' a copy & paste error? If not: it 
is very likely that the file does not exist in that location.

I'm not sure though whether that is the cause of the error. I would rather 
expect a "file not found" error message instead of a seg fault in that case. 
But it's worth checking.


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