External Email - Use Caution        


I encountered the following error when I tried to run mri_gtmpvc -- rbv:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

First I performed the PET to orig registration using spmregister, secondly I 
tried with the registration using mri_coreg but the error remained. I also 
redid the segmentation step
gtmseg --s $word --xcerseg without fixing the problem. Can anyone help me with 
this problem?

The code I tried to run:

#mri_gtmpvc --i SUVR_cerebellum.nii.gz --reg suv.reg.lta --psf 5 --seg 
/gtmseg.mgz --default-seg-merge --auto-mask 5 0.01 --rbv --o 
gtmpvc.output.suvrcerebellum.spmreg --no-rescale --threads 8

Kind regards
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