External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Douglas,

Could you help me concerning my previous questions ?


> Le 11 févr. 2019 à 17:37, Matthieu VANHOUTTE <matthieuvanhou...@gmail.com> a 
> écrit :
> Hi Douglas,
> Thanks for clarification. Why use "nearest neighbor" instead of classical 
> "trilinear" interpolation ?
> Should it be done as well when projecting from volume to surface with 
> mri_vol2surf ?
> Best,
> Matthieu
> On 11/02/2019 17:32, Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. wrote:
>> It will not used trilinear interp. Try it with nearest neighbor
>> On 2/10/19 11:55 AM, Matthieu Vanhoutte wrote:
>>>          External Email - Use Caution
>>> Dear Douglas,
>>> Before using "mri_gtmpvc --psf 0 --no-tfe -- rbv" according your advice to 
>>> obtain voxel-wise output rescaled without PVC correction, I have done 
>>> sequentially the different steps to obtain this output. However, when 
>>> comparing voxel-wise rescaled output (rbv.nii.gz) between the two methods, 
>>> final values at each voxel are not the same…
>>> To obtain first rescaled voxel-wise output I have used sequentially these 
>>> steps:
>>> 1.  Concatenate transforms from PET space to gtmseg.mgz
>>> 2.  Register native PET into gtmseg space (trilin. interpolation)
>>> 3.  Compute mean PET inside reference regions (with regions masks from 
>>> gtmseg.mgz)
>>> 4.  Compute intensity normalized PET images in gtmseg space
>>> Doesn’t the "mri_gtmpvc --psf 0 --no-tfe -- rdv" command use these same 
>>> steps ?
>>> Best,
>>> Matthieu
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