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No. I just checked, they are not identical. Although some of numbers are the
same, many are different.





Are the other results identical? Eg, lh.aparc.stats?


On 4/17/2020 10:49 AM, Xiaojiang Yang wrote:


        External Email - Use Caution


Dear Freeserfer developers,


I have run recon-all for a bunch of subjects on the same machine for several
times. When I use the "mris_anatomical_stats" to calculate the statistics
(specifically, I am interested in average cortical thickness), I found that
for the same subject I got different results, as shown below:


  $ mris_anatomical_stats -b QEN001 lh




  128449  86239  243375  2.588 0.876     0.123     0.026 1496   133.3




$ mris_anatomical_stats -b QEN001_old lh




  128449  86241  229554  2.404 0.835     0.123     0.026 1496   133.3


The results shows that some of the stats numbers ( such as the number of
vertices) are the same, but the "average cortical thickness +- standard
deviation (mm)" are different, and they differ quite a lot.


I have tried several subjects; some of them get the all-the-same results,
some of them not.


I am sure the subjects and the corresponding images are the same. Are these
expected results?






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