Duncan Webb wrote:
> Dirk Meyer wrote:
>> Duncan Webb wrote:
>>> Dirk Meyer wrote:
>>>> Jason Tackaberry wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 2007-08-26 at 07:59 -0700, Michael Beal wrote:
>>>>>> Wouldn't it make sense to use SQLite for this instead?  The record
>>>>>> schedule is currently a simple DB file in XML format being accessed by
>>>>>> multiple threads.  I can see where a race condition could be created
>>>>> Freevo 2 will use an sqlite-backed EPG (kaa.epg).
>>>>> I have no idea if it would be worth Freevo 1 going this route.  It may
>>>>> well be more work than you'd expect.  But on the other hand, I also like
>>>>> the idea of Freevo 1 increasingly using kaa modules, as it's an
>>>>> excellent source of testing for these modules on which Freevo 2 is being
>>>>> built. 
>>>> Could be possible. It should be easy to replace the freevo mainloop
>>>> with kaa.notifier at a minimum level so that it will work.
>>>> kaa.notifier running is a must-have for kaa.epg. I could do it. 
>>>> Should I?
>>> By all means, yes that would be really good. The recordserver code has
>>> become rather horrid :(
>> Ah, you are talking about the recordserver. Sorry, I meant Freevo
>> itself. The recordserver is using twisted, right? I guess someone
>> should do a rewrite of the communication code using the XMLRPC code
>> From kaa.base and kaa.notifier as loop.
> You mean replacing the rc code, that would be great too.

I did a small change, patch attached. Do not include it directly, it
breaks helpers using the rc module, I only tested freevo itself.

I removed the real mainllop part from rc. The event stuff is handled
by kaa.notifier. This means Event object can just call a post() method
on themself, no need for the global rc object. If somethign wants to
listen to events, add a global eventhandler. I have done this in
main.py, The self.event_callback is removed from rc. If someone else
wants to get notified, run 

Since all plugins require the rc module to call them, there is a poll
function now calling the input plugins and the time based
plugins. This function is called with a 0.01 sec timer. A future
version of Freevo should not require this, plugin can register a poll
function with a timer on their own, they can also register socket
callbacks. For more details see

I hope this small patch is a path for you to get rid of twisted and
give freevo a real mainloop.


Index: src/rc.py
--- src/rc.py   (revision 9860)
+++ src/rc.py   (working copy)
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
 import thread
 import types
+import kaa.notifier
 import config
 import evdev
@@ -125,21 +127,6 @@
     return get_singleton().resume()
-def poll():
-    """
-    poll all registered callbacks
-    """
-    return get_singleton().poll()
-def get_event(blocking=False):
-    """
-    get next event. If blocking is True, this function will block until
-    there is a new event (also call all registered callbacks while waiting)
-    """
-    return get_singleton().get_event(blocking)
@@ -489,8 +476,6 @@
         self.app                = None
         self.context            = 'menu'
-        self.queue              = []
-        self.event_callback     = None
         self.callbacks          = []
         self.shutdown_callbacks = []
         self.poll_objects       = []
@@ -498,6 +483,7 @@
         self.lock               = thread.allocate_lock()
         # last time we stopped sleeping
         self.sleep_timer        = 0
+        kaa.notifier.Timer(self.poll).start(0.01)
     def set_app(self, app, context):
@@ -526,19 +512,11 @@
         add event to the queue
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            if not isinstance(e, Event):
-                self.queue += [ Event(e, context=self.context) ]
-            else:
-                self.queue += [ e ]
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
+        if not isinstance(e, Event):
+            e = Event(e, context=self.context)
+        e.post()
-        if self.event_callback:
-            self.event_callback()
     def key_event_mapper(self, key):
         map key to event based on current context
@@ -622,6 +600,12 @@
         poll all registered functions
+        # search all input objects for new events
+        for i in self.inputs:
+            e = i.poll(self)
+            if e:
+                self.post_event(self.key_event_mapper(e))
         # run all registered callbacks
         for c in copy.copy(self.callbacks):
             if c[2] == c[3]:
@@ -640,57 +624,3 @@
                 c[3] += 1
-    def get_event(self, blocking=False):
-        """
-        get next event. If blocking is True, this function will block until
-        there is a new event (also call all registered callbacks while waiting)
-        """
-        if blocking:
-            while 1:
-                # get non blocking event
-                event = self.get_event(False)
-                if event:
-                    return event
-                # poll everything
-                self.poll()
-                # wait some time
-                duration = 0.01 - (time.time() - self.sleep_timer)
-                if duration > 0:
-                    time.sleep(duration)
-                self.sleep_timer = time.time()
-        # search for events in the queue
-        if len(self.queue):
-            self.lock.acquire()
-            try:
-                try:
-                    ret = self.queue[0]
-                    del self.queue[0]
-                    return ret
-                except IndexError:
-                    pass
-            finally:
-                self.lock.release()
-        # search all input objects for new events
-        for i in self.inputs:
-            e = i.poll(self)
-            if e:
-                return self.key_event_mapper(e)
-        return None
-    def subscribe(self, event_callback=None):
-        """
-        subscribe to 'post_event'
-        """
-        if not event_callback:
-            return
-        self.event_callback = event_callback
Index: src/main.py
--- src/main.py (revision 9860)
+++ src/main.py (working copy)
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
     import config
     import kaa.metadata as mmpython
+    import kaa.notifier
     import kaa.imlib2 as Image
@@ -248,8 +249,9 @@
+        kaa.notifier.EventHandler(self.eventhandler).register()
     def eventhandler(self, event):
         event handling function for the main loop
@@ -317,15 +319,6 @@
                 _debug_('no target for events given')
-    def run(self):
-        """
-        the real main loop
-        """
-        while 1:
-            self.eventhandler(rc.get_event(True))
 def signal_handler(sig, frame):
     the signal handler to shut down freevo
@@ -469,9 +462,12 @@
     # Kick off the main menu loop
     _debug_('Main loop starting...',2)
-    MainTread().run()
+    MainTread()
+    kaa.notifier.loop()
 except KeyboardInterrupt:
     print 'Shutdown by keyboard interrupt'
     # Shutdown the application
Index: src/event.py
--- src/event.py        (revision 9860)
+++ src/event.py        (working copy)
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+import kaa.notifier
-class Event:
+class Event(kaa.notifier.Event):
     an event is passed to the different eventhandlers in Freevo to
     activate some action.
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