Hendrik Vogelsang wrote:
> Hey,
> John Molohan wrote:
>> When I fast forward or rewind the osd flashes up and disappears 
>> repeatedly every second or so. I guess this is a side effect of having 
>> to have mplayer seek as opposed to actually fast forward.
> Yes. You just send a ton commands in a row to mplayer. Everytime the osd
> gets redrawn. But the flickering is an effect that we did not sort out yet.
Fair enough, it's a bit of a killer so I'll have to go back to the old 
standard display for now. I really can't believe that mplayer doesn't 
have real fast forward/rewind capabilities at this stage, I do recall 
reading some of the ins and outs a long time ago as to why it couldn't 
but still.
>> Is it possible to set the time that the osd is displayed for? If so
> I'm guessing I
>> could just set it to say 3 seconds by default and the repeated fast 
>> forward events freevo receives through lirc and passes to mplayer would 
>> just result it the osd drawing over itself resulting in a smooth 
>> display, or am I wrong here.
> That was my approach but it was badly implemented. What Adam did now is
> better but not exactly working. I was meaning to find out why (at the
> first glance it should work) but then this stupid distro of mine and
> vacation took away all of my time.
Damn vacations ;)
>> My other question is how do I get that nice info display Heene shows in 
>> his video?
> With the DISPLAY event. d on the defaul eventmap i think.
Could I argue that this should be whatever event is mapped to the 'e' 
key on the keyboard? I don't have access to my freevo box now 
(unreliable wifi and wife preventing access). On my media centre remote 
there's a button labelled 'i' which I have mapped to this. For me it 
just makes more sense that it provide access to what you might term 
'info', on directories pressing 'e' on the keyboard brings up what I'd 
think of as the info menu (I'm not sure what the real name is for it). 
If access to this information is achieved through the 'e' key then would 
it make sense to have the same for the osd info?
>> Last point, I think it would make sense to leave the osd on screen 
>> whilst the file is paused, what do you think? Possibly the same might 
>> apply for showing the info screen, leave it on screen until the same key 
>> is pressed then remove it.
> I was too lazy to implement an event handler in this dialog. Otherwise i
> would have done it exactly this way. I take this as feature request...
Cool, I'll look forward to testing it.
>> P.S.  I hope that I might be able to port some of the other skins to use 
>> the new osd over the Christmas break
> This should be a matter of exchanging only the graphics like the action
> buttons (play, pause etc) and the bar graphics imho.
> Henne
That's what I'd hoped. Thanks for the reply.


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