On Wed, 2009-10-21 at 22:16 +0100, John Molohan wrote:
> Adam Charrett wrote:
> > On Wed, 2009-10-21 at 19:17 +0100, John Molohan wrote:
> >   
> >> Perfect, that was all that was missing. Now a couple more questions, 
> >> hope you don't mind :)
> >>
> >> When I fast forward or rewind the osd flashes up and disappears 
> >> repeatedly every second or so. I guess this is a side effect of having 
> >> to have mplayer seek as opposed to actually fast forward. Is it possible 
> >> to set the time that the osd is displayed for? If so I'm guessing I 
> >> could just set it to say 3 seconds by default and the repeated fast 
> >> forward events freevo receives through lirc and passes to mplayer would 
> >> just result it the osd drawing over itself resulting in a smooth 
> >> display, or am I wrong here.
> >>     
> > My guess is that you've got mplayer set to use fullscreen. This is probably 
> > something that should go on the wiki, don't use -fs. Instead really on 
> > freevo setting up the correct size of the window, same goes for xine.
> >   
> Do you mean I have freevo -fs? If so that's true, my only freevo box is 
> hooked up to the TV in the sitting room and launches from rc.local with 
> freevo -fs. I don't run X, freevo takes care of it. I'm sure I could 
> manage to get gnome to run and start freevo if I had to but I've been 
> doing it this way for years and when running under gnome I remember a 
> really annoying resizing problem when going from freevo to video and 
> back again, with freevo in fullscreen under gnome switching to or from a 
> video would reveal the desktop momentarily, not a runner for a family 
> friendly TV interface.
No I mean that the mplayer options shouldn't include -fs, currently in
frevoo_config.py sets this:

MPLAYER_ARGS_DEF = (('-autosync 100 -nolirc -nojoystick -autoq 100
-screenw %s '1486                       + '-screenh %s -fs') %
(CONF.width, CONF.height))

Make sure the -fs is removed, otherwise X or the window manager force
the mplayer window to be on top of every other window, which cause the

On the 'd' or 'e' key issue, I would argue the other way, e - enters the
item and allows you to modify it d - displays info/changes the display.
Oh and you want to check out the button bar plugin to get round the
issue of not having enough button on the remote :-), I had the same
setup originally.



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