Here is what my monitor section looks like:

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "Monitor0"
        VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
        ModelName    "Generic Extended Super VGA, 800x600 @ 60 Hz,
                        640x480 @ 72 Hz"
        DisplaySize  350        270
        HorizSync    31.5 - 37.9
        VertRefresh  50.0 - 70.0

And the screen section:

Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Screen0"
        Device     "Videocard0"
        Monitor    "Monitor0"
        DefaultDepth     24
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     24
                Modes    "800x600" "640x480"

I have a GrandTec Ultimate XP Pro PC To TV Converter. $79.99 @ tigerdirect. It's hooked to a Radeon VE/7000.

Ryan wrote:
Capping the refresh rates didn't do anything. So I tried to narrow the
ranges. Here is what I have now:
        HorizSync 50-80
        VertRefresh 55-120

It flickers even worse now at this setting. If I try to go 51-80, the
display is garbage.

On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 20:52, Ryan Detert wrote:

I will try this again when I get home. The manual is not at all useful. What I pasted is all the specs that it gives. The manual is a a 2 page leaflet. If I can't get this to work then let me know which converter you have and I'll sell the one I have to my friend since he uses windows.


I'd try capping the refresh in your monitor section.

- I never worry about modelines. Modern X is pretty good with it.
- I just set the horizontal sync/vert refresh to the settings in the
manual. Try looking them up.

When I get home (I'm snowed in at my girlfriend's) I can send you
XF86Config from my HTPC. Different converter, but might help/work.


# Monitor section


Section "Monitor"

    Identifier "MyMonitor"
    VendorName "Mitsubisi"
    ModelName  "Diamond Plus 120u"

    # be sure to replace these values with values appropriate for your
    # monitor!
    HorizSync  31-80   # this is just a guess, replace with info from
                       # the manual
    VertRefresh 55-80  # capped at 80. Replace with params from manual,
                       # if you like


Ryan Detert wrote:

Sorry I forgot to include this. The manual says:
640x480 @ 85Hz
800x600 @ 80Hz
1024x768 @ 60Hz

I want to run it at 800x600.

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