What type of hardware do I need to be able to set up a freevo box with
digital cable?

how about a digital tuner card? just the same as analogue but its digital!!

Obviously I need some sort of IR device to tell the digital cable box to
tune to a channel... and change my recording script to check the channel
and send an IR event to tune it before starting to record... but what
hardware do I need to send IR?

have a look at LIRC, a 1 second google for "linux IR" or "linux infra-red" would've found your answer.

I'm assuming that the IR ports that most motherboards have aren't the
same form of IR that remotes use, so I wouldn't be able to just get the
IR expansion for the motherboard.

no, they are IrDa ports. again - look at LIRC docs and learn something, you can use irda ports but RTFM!

Would be really nice to record things without commercials in addition to
the shows I like to watch :)

if that pleases you then go for it - google HOW-TO's and set it up. personaly why bother when mplayer can skip 10 secs, 1 minute or ten minutes -that way adverts fly-by!

Can i say to all - how about searching for possible solutions first, this mailing list should be your last resort!
of all the mailing lists im on - somehow freevo always seems to have people who seem to not have spent 1 minute looking for information themselves, they just ask us - look first, we should be your last resort!!!!


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