Matthieu Weber wrote:
> Or scanning the beginning, the end, and if the end is lower than the
> begining (i.e. a reset happened), try to find the place of the reset by
> dichotomy. It might also be that the reset always happen at the same time,
> and in this case, knowing this time is enough to calculate the length.
> I can try to check when the reset occurs, and find out if the value is
> always the same.

Right now, I don't understand the timing stuff at all. There may be a
time value in the ts, but not in my 3 test streams. And the way to
extract the value from the pes looks very bad (which of the three or
four variables must I use?). There is also a time value in the mpeg
inside the pes.


Why do people do that? 

OK, my first version of the parser is ready, reusing some old mpeg
code. Use current mmpython cvs to test.

Working (for me):
o detect a file as ts
o count the number of audio and video streams
o get basic information of the video, like width, height, ratio

On the todo-list:
o I know nothing about the audio stream, only an id (ok, I lied, I
  know two ids: the ts id and the pes id -- Arg)
o length is broken

But I guess it's ok for Freevo 1.5


C.O.B.O.L - Completely Obsolete Boring Old Language.

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