Sunday, July 11, 2004, 4:04:24 PM, Dirk wrote:

> Robert Winder wrote:
>> I give up.
>> It has something to do with the vfs implementation. But where it goes
>> wrong excactly i really can't tell. But what i said earlier
>> if line.lower().find('mass storage') != -1:
>> should be
>> if line.lower().find('storage') != -1:
>> in still stands. Device shows up in menu but doesn't get
>> mounted. Pretty useless plugin then without the mounting part ;-)
>> Of course the USB HOTPLUG cmd can be used for mounting but i know
>> from personal experience that it mounted and umounted the usb device
>> whithout prob in freevo < 1.4

> Sorry for the _very_ late answer. Does it work with rc4 and if not,
> can you tell me which file need what changes?

Heh, thats indeed some time ago.. ;-) But the above still stands with
1.5.0-rc3 and i believe rc-4 as well because isn't changed.

Output on my 2.6.6. kernel from
cat /proc/bus/usb/devices

I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 3 Cls=08(stor.) Sub=ff Prot=01 Driver=usb-storage

While searching for mass storage it obviously doesn't find anything.
As far as i recall when searching for storage in /proc/bus/usb/devices
you cover most situations in 2.4 and 2.6 kernels.

Never figured out why auto-mounting didn't work though. Used entries
in fstab before last year without prob and it did mount the usb
storage device automagicly. With freevo > 1.4 it did not. Switched to
autofs and automount and is better anyway especially if one have some
samba shares in the network. With autofs it worked without a prob.

> Dischi


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