On Sun, 2006-10-15 at 08:23 +1000, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:
> On Sunday 15 October 2006 02:46, Evan Hisey wrote:
> > Elizabeth-
> >    Any Idea wha the mini distro is? They should have a good shot at
> > enforcing the source code redistrobution clause. Asus's lawyers are
> > already familiar with the GPL issues they are going to run into.
> >
> > Evan
> It wouldn't boot on my system, just saw the familiar ISOLINUX.....start up 
> (including the first copyright notice (David Anvin??)
> I've downloaded another version off their web site, and communicated with 
> gpl-violations.org.

After reading a little of this thread I'm wondering what it is exactly
you're expecting Asus to give you? If you're looking at getting the code
for their front panel stuff then I'd think again. It is within the GPL
to produce custom code resting on top of linux to handle whatever you
like without having to give the code away. They are only generally
required to divulge the source on request or make available all of the
GPL code used in their product, they aren't required to give you all of
the nitty gritty of their distribution. Any code they have written which
is not intended to be a patch to existing gpl code can be licensed
however they like. Only patches and original gpl code would be divulged
and even patches can be kept under other licenses depending on how and
what they are used for case in point being redhats proprietary kernel
patches for RHEL.

Personally I don't see any benefit from annoying them with
gpl-violations threats. All they'll do is put the code they used on a
site (most of it 99%+ will be available already anyway) and a copy of
the GPL somewhere public enough to satisfy the puritans. They won't give
you things like their init scripts, custom hardware code, and custom UI
code as that stuff is legally theirs.

Remember the GPL doesn't stop you making money out of the code, it just
tries to make it impossible for you to claim ownership. For instance I
can't say Freevo (tm) copyright Karl Lattimer 1990 - 2007, because it
isn't mine, but if I were to use freevo as part of something else, I
could say Wotsit copyright Karl Lattimer and not necessarily need to
mention that freevo is a part of wotsit. 


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