Hi again Andreas,

I installed Freevo, and I'm using now the alsamixer2 plug-in. So
far everything seems to work, except two things:

1) The idlebar.volume plug-in does not work with alsamixer2. Is there
any workaround? 

2) I have a separate input for my TV card, which loops into the 'Line'
channel. I would like that alsamixer2 keeps PCM & Line at the same
levels. Is this possible? Here's my current config:

# ALSAMIXER2_MUTE_CTRL = 'Headphone'
#               (ctrl, card, default vol, min vol, max vol)
                ('Line', 'hw:SB', 90, 0, 100),

When I remove the PCM line, alsamixer2 controls the Line volume, but not
the PCM anymore :(.

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On Sun, 2008-03-09 at 14:14 +0100, Andreas Dick wrote:
> Am Samstag, 8. März 2008 23:55 schrieb Benedikt Bär:
> > Hi Andreas,
> >
> > I do have the all the 6 channel for the volume control. In addition, I
> > also have the PCM control, which controls all 6 channels (like a general
> > volume), so the sound card itself works fine in 6ch mode (I tested it
> > with a DVD).
> well.
> > However, the alsamixer plug-in does not control either of the 6
> > channels, nor the PCM volume.
> >
> > I'm interested in trying alsamixer2, but I can't find this plug-in when
> > listing them in freevo.
> >
> > How can I get it?
> I use freevo, and maybe it was added after 1.7.3 you are using.
> since you use 1.7.3 I suppose you installed it with your packet manager (apt?)
> normaly it is very easy to install a new version from sources over the old 
> installed version (at your own risk!):
> - download it from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=46652
> - # tar -xzf freevo-
> - # cd freevo-
> - # python setup.py install
> - maybe you have to change something in your local_conf.py (?)
> (the risk could be, that your packetmanager do not know about the new 
> version, 
> and it is maybe not able to remove it properly if needed...)
> Andreas

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