On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Preston Hagar <prest...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Evan Hisey <ehi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, after a tornado leveled my old place I have now got a new place
>> to stay, and am setting up a new freevo system. We are looking at
>> using hulu for TV shows instead of paying another 40+ a month for
>> something we only use a little of (like 3 channels). I know at one
>> point there was a way to use hulu on freevo and then it broke. Has
>> anyone got it back working again? This might be a nice feature for 2.x
>> also.
>> evan
> I setup Hulu Desktop for Linux (I use ubuntu, so it was an easy dpkg install):
> http://www.hulu.com/labs/hulu-desktop-linux
> Then setup a simple command file I called hulu_desktop.fxd with the following:
> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <freevo>
>    <command title="Hulu Desktop">
>        <cmd>/usr/bin/huludesktop</cmd>
>        <nostdout />
>        <stoposd />
>        <spawnwm />
>        <info>
>            <content>Hulu Desktop</content>
>        </info>
>    </command>
> </freevo>
> I then added:
> plugin.activate('command.CommandMainMenuItem',
> args=('/etc/freevo/commands/hulu_desktop.fxd',),level=20)
> to my local_conf.py
> This puts on the "home screen" or whatever you want to call it a menu
> option called Hulu Desktop.  I can select it and then it loads Hulu
> Desktop, which is a "10 foot interface" for Hulu.  I then can use my
> remote to navigate, play videos, etc.   I did find it takes a little
> more processing power than just playing avi files or whatever in xine
> or mplayer, so I had to upgrade my cpu to a Athlon 64 x2 6000+ and I
> have a GeForce 210 video card, and it plays smooth.
> I also had to setup ratposion for the desktop.  If you need more info
> about setting it up, feel free to post back.  Overall though, you end
> up with a really nice Hulu interface to all of Hulu, not just Hulu
> Plus on your TV.
> Preston

Using the FXD is lot simpler than the approach I was going to take. I
use freevo as the desktop on mine. May have to change ow that I think
about. hulu would need a window manager.


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